Fannish Things Going On

Jan 27, 2018 09:07

hetswap has nominations open till 3rd Feb. (I expect not to be able to sign up, but I did nominate some things just in case. It was fun last year, and this year's mod looks a little more on the ball, too, so I'm not ruling things out yet.)

2. Sign-ups are ongoing to Monday for
worldbuildingex. (Which I haven't ever done because lack of brain, but seems v cool).

3. Let me pimp my own ongoing challenge comms, since I seem unlikely to be running ficathons any time soon:
who_allsorts, which is basically an old-style claims comm for Doctor Who but with many mini prompt tables ranging from sets of 3-20, fairly wide and laid back options on claiming (character/ship/era or theme if you prefer to mix it up character/pairing-wise) and you can make fills in any fanwork type. And I'm very proud of my pretty prompt sets. (Some of which, of course, came courtesy of you lot.)

tic_tac_woe (aka apocabingo), the Apocalyptic mini bingo challenge! (Each card has nine apocalyptic prompts: get your bingo by destroying/saving the world at least three times in a row - all fandoms and origfic welcome, ditto all fandom types. The end of the world is an equal opportunity experience here. ;-p)

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dw_allsorts, apocabingo, hetswap

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