Winged ShadowsAuthor:
lost_spookRating: All ages / PG
Word Count: WIP
Characters: Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, Angel, Cordelia Chase, Wesley Wyndham-Price, Charles Gunn, Lorne, Lilah Morgan
Summary: There’s a new menace in LA and it’s not the weirdo in the patchwork coat. It’s something shadowy and dangerous. That makes it the business of Angel Investigations, Wolfram and Hart - and a passing Time Lord.
(Part One awaiting approval on Teaspoon.)
I'm ridiculously excited - I finished my Christmas fic last weekend, got my Stardust AU out of the way and have been finally able to decide which of my WIPs to finish off first. And, earlier this year, I rewatched Angel S2, which reminded me that, yes, actually, it was a great show, found it hard to find any decent crossovers (I have now, but no joint investigation stories) and, sadly, Andy Hallett (Lorne) died. So what else could I do? I'm thrilled to mess about with DW, shadowy monsters, demon karaoke and the amoral Wolfram and Hart. And to clash Angel with Six. Heh. So, you know, just humour me, okay. (Look, no OCs!)
I did write another fic, but I want to make a few tweaks to it. (Just in
clocketpatch is reading and blinking a bit at the change of direction. I realised I may have had the Ainley Master in my head as well as wondering about adding angst!!! ;-D)
(Oh. Am I supposed to be excited about something else happening this evening? Pfft. That looks scary and claustrophobic... :lol:)