500 Prompts (you can always use another one)

Jan 13, 2018 20:59

So, for 2018 I have decided to return to the 500 Prompts Meme, because I still need to keep writing short pieces (and I wasn't v sensible about that last year), and of course, because it's fun.

But it has been at least 3 years since I asked for prompts, and while I still have enough to keep me going for ages, there are new people around, new and new-old fandoms and characters etc. etc., so I wanted to open it up again. (People who've already left prompts are still welcome to do so again, though, of course!)

So, basically, I have a giant list of 500 prompts I stole from somewhere. You go to the link, scroll down and find one you like that's not already claimed and give me TWO or more characters for it (whether a ship or not is up to you).* Anything I know is fair game (you can check my tags or my interests for starters), plus any
isurrendered things. Crossover characters and pairings are also fine. If you come up with anything I don't know or can't do, I'll just say so, and you can pick again (or not, as you wish). Leave one prompt or a bunch! It's all good.

I make no promises about when/if anything will be filled and whether it will be a drabble or ficlet or full-length fic, but equally nobody's obliged to read the result if it turns up three or four years later! I always enjoy looking at my list of prompts, though, even when I fail at writing them, so please do stop by and leave me a couple! Thank you. <3

* I have learned I find one character prompts far more difficult and while I'm working on that with the ones I have, I would prefer most new ones to be for 2+ characters.

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500 prompts

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