Fandom Stocking

Jan 09, 2018 20:40

I did manage to do some small things for
fandom_stocking at least (literally small - all icons and drabbles, saving one recs list!), but as ever, I have pulled out far more than I put in, which seems unfair. Here are my very lovely gifts:

* A great little multi-Element S&S fic: Narwhals by

* Coffee Break by
paynesgrey, ficlet featuring Kathryn Janeway and her actual true love - coffee.

* A lovely Snow and Regina piece Sisters of the Heart by

* Assignment 3 1/2 by
swordznsorcery - excellent Christmassy S&S fic that also happens to be a crossover with The Talisman Ring.

liadtbunny drew me Shadow of the Tower art which made me go awwww a lot (and you can totally see the curtain texture of the BBC costumes in it, too).

john_amend_all wrote me a fab little Adam Adamant Lives! crossover with DW (Bill/Ace) here

* my absurdly practical robin by
rain_sleet_snow, which is five times fic for Drusilla from The Quiet Gentleman, one of my favourite Heyer characters, and it's also lovely.

Plus, some greetings and pics and a very tantalising IOU from

Anyway, I loved going through it all so much. People are very kind. <3

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shadow of the tower, doctor who, fandom_stocking, recs, fanart, crossover, sapphire and steel, georgette heyer, once upon a time, adam adamant lives!

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