Fannish things

Oct 06, 2017 09:37

1. Yuletide sign-ups are still open for anyone thinking of taking part. (I believe they close on the 9th, but check the link.)

2. For those of you in the UK who don't mind a bit of old telly, I checked the Drama channel, and guess what their next run of ancient TV on Saturdays is? It's the BBC's 1976-77 historical (Edwardian) drama The Duchess of Duke Street! It has a very slow start (even for ancient telly), but Gemma Jones is so fabulous throughout, and I recommend it. The bit where Julian Fellowes turns up and swipes the plot for use in Downton is also entertaining, and S2 has bonus Lalla Ward. (And then write me Louisa/Mary, because I never could manage it, though I tried.)

(And when I say Saturday, I mean tomorrow.)

3. Fall Equinox went live the other day. Lots of lovely fanvids! (The theme this time was 'based on books.')

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yuletide, fanvids, 1970s, duchess of duke street

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