Remix Revival

Sep 18, 2017 17:30

remixrevival went live yesterday, and Remix Madness today and I had a remixed fic in each! (I didn't until late yesterday, though; only my regular Remix and then I poked at Madness and was startled to see that it had a Chalet School/DW crossover involving Miss Annersley and Seven, because it seemed extremely unlikely that someone else as well as me had done that, and they hadn't. It had just been slipped in while I wasn't looking!)

Anyway, in unexpected Remixes, my official Remix fic is a reworking of my old NYR 2009 Dungeons & Dragons fic, via a clever device:

Among the Shattered Tales (The girl once helped remix) (1235 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Sheila "the Thief", Hank "the Ranger", Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Implied Sheila/Hank
Summary: She has many stories, but for some reason a lot of people like this one.

And in my even more unexpected Remix from Madness, I have this really lovely little reversed-POV version of Each A Glimpse and Gone Forever in which Seven turns up on a train in time to help out a young and grieving not-yet-Miss Annersley; all the more pleasing because the original is an odd little piece I have a lot of fondness for:

In The Wink Of An Eye (Each A Glimpse, And Gone Forever Remix) (819 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Chalet School - Elinor M. Brent-Dyer, Doctor Who
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Hilda Annersley, Seventh Doctor
Additional Tags: Remix
Summary: On the worst train journey of her young life, Hilda Annersley meets a kind - if unusual - stranger.

I see Madness doesn't actually close till the 25th, so maybe I should have another go, but for that I might need brain and mine got used up today dealing with insurance renewal, blah blah blah. (In the usual nature of these things, the simple thing is complicated by technology being disobliging because OF COURSE and is still only part done. Probably.)

Still, I am rewatching The Shadow of the Tower, so that keeps me reasonably happy. (I even dreamt the other night that James Maxwell held my hand for a moment. He was a fleeting sort of time ghost, part of a performance that had slipped through time to where I was lying, which apparently kept my pesky inner dream monitor from spoiling things with the usual "well, that isn't v realistic, we can't have this, and WHY ARE THERE BEES/isn't he dead etc. etc." Bees = totally implausible. Timeslip ghosts = perfectly natural and believable.)

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fannish scribbles, remix redux, doctor who, dungeons and dragons cartoon, chalet school, recs, crossover

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