Fic: One Good Fall (Deserves Another)

Sep 13, 2017 14:39

Fic! 500 Prompts fic; also for a bingo square! (AU meme fic 1 down, 10 pending, shhh. I wrote a thing, anyway.)

Title: One Good Fall (Deserves Another)
Author: lost_spook
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1766
Characters/Pairings: Fifth Doctor, Clara Oswald
Notes/Warnings: Also for
genprompt_bingo square "someone or something falls" and
hc_bingo square “falling.”
Summary: The Doctor finds himself hanging on for dear life yet again…

romanajo123 in the 500 Prompts Meme: 020 Gaping chasm - Five & Clara.

Here at AO3 | at the Teaspoon.

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fannish scribbles, fifth doctor, multi-era, clara oswin oswald, doctor who, hc_bingo, 500 prompts

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