Remix Madness

Aug 20, 2017 20:48

Excuse me being spammy today but
remixrevival has opened up its Madness round early, and it's even more free-for-all than the original version! Go here to throw your hat into the ring.

You can write remixes for it without signing up and you can sign up (offer your fic to be remixed) without writing anything. You can include previous remixes, collaborations, and WIPs and there are art options too, as many safe works as you want, and no eligibility besides "you have one fic in this fandom." So, go on over and offer your fic/art up for people to remix! Or have fun and remix something yourself.

Now I should go off and see about typing up my actual assignment before I go look, because, yay, Remix Madness! \o/

(I do enjoy Remix, sorry; you can probably tell. I suppose it's kind of like the ultimate fic-conversation you can have with someone, in some ways, and it's always pretty fun and fascinating. And you're not writing a gift for someone, so it's different than most exchanges.)

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remix redux, writing, fannish nonsense

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