
Jul 15, 2017 21:42

If there's one thing I'll risk signing up for, even in summer, and even verging on Yuletide, it's Remix! And someone has set up a replacement for the much-lamented RemixRedux at
remixrevival and sign ups are open at AO3 from now until the 30th. If you're also into remixing, or want to be, head over there now!

This version also allows art/art remixes (and art/fic, fic/art remixes) if that would interest you more than writing. (I went for fic/fic; I love the whole thing of writing remixes and being remixed in writing.) It seems to allow origfic as well, and there will still be a Remix Madness collection, when anyone can throw their works into the ring without signing up, which is about as low pressure you can get in a writing exchange. :-)

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remix redux, writing

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