A Handful of DW Recs

Jul 06, 2017 18:12

I haven't talked much about Doctor Who, because I tend to enjoy it and find that enjoyment often diminished by discussion, especially in circles that are more negative about Twelve and Steven Moffat than my heart will ever be, but I have indeed been watching and enjoying and loved the finale very much. Anyway, here are some related fanworks I have also enjoyed:

purplefringe has already made a Bill fanvid & it is a truly lovely thing, you will be unsurprised to hear.

selenay has been writing a series of Bill episode tags (for the first few eps, so far) and they're just great. I was trying to think which one in particular to rec, but, really, they're all great.

And, via
eve11, who clearly has the best taste in fic:

Love, That Loosener of Limbs by amatalefay (G, 253 words. Bill Potts/Sappho, Twelve.)

“Like, finally here's a poem that isn't just some bloke whining about how a beautiful girl won’t give him sex, and it's basically ‘sweet mother, I’m too gay to do my chores, blame Aphrodite’. Like, honestly? Most relatable thing I’ve read in years.”

Bill meets Sappho.

Tiny but perfect. <3

And The Last Age Should Show Your Heart by Quanna. (G, 1854 words. Missy, brief mentions/cameos of others.)

The Doctor saves the Master, one final time, and gives her the universe to look after in his place.

A post 'the Doctor Falls' AU in which the Doctor dies, and the Master goes on; without hope, without witness, without reward.

What it says; really clever and sharp and a great thing to read following The Doctor Falls.

(I hope you can tell that this is not the sort of post where you tell me things you dislike about DW. If that's what you'd like to do, I recommend instead going to
who_at_50 instead which is great for proper discussion, squee, grumbling and all the usual sorts of reactions. Consider that my final rec for the day. ;-p)

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fannish scribbles, fanvids, master, doctor who, bill potts, twelfth doctor, recs

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