Various things

Jun 06, 2017 20:59

1. Peter Sallis has died. He was 96, of course, so he'd had a very good innings, but still. *salutes* Obviously, he was ubiquitous as Clegg and as Wallace, but since I started delving into old telly, he will also forever be The Man Who Didn't Eat Sweets in a Public Eye episode I have watched more than most.

fic_corner is running again! It's an exchange for children's & YA lit and is usually good fun. There's a brainstorming post open and nominations will begin soon. (I don't know if I'll be able to do it, because summer, but I think it's relevant to some people's interests.)

3. While I'm talking about comms, I'm not sure I ever gave
hidden_passages a quick pimp - it's a general comm for all things Gothic fiction related, run by
calliopes_pen. (I think I was pimping my own comms such a lot once I moved them over that I got too exhausted. I meant to mention a few other good Dreamwidth comms, whether new, old, or recently moved, but I forgot.)

4. I have ordered the 1970s TV series Thriller with my b'day voucher. I don't know whether that was the best choice or not, but I will at least now have a proper screencap-able copy of my very own of the episode where James Maxwell and Julian Glover move into together and bury girls in the back garden and that is the important thing. (I think Suzanne Neve and Gemma Jones may be in other episodes, too.)

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james maxwell, fic_corner, thriller, 1970s, julian glover, public eye

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