Fic: War Is Love, Love Is War (Manhunt)

May 16, 2017 21:03

I'm determined to get a line for my
trope_bingo for amnesty, and I'm so near - I just need to type a couple more things up! So, I went to my notebook and instead typed up this for
hc_bingo (for "nausea," although mostly the metaphorical kind), because I'm contrary like that.

(I had to rewatch an episode for it. Probably I shouldn't have done it quite so soon after watching the OUaT finale, because in comparison the special Christmas episode where someone has to murder their dearest friend ever felt like a Dementor in TV-form, sucking all the joy out of life. Knowing where it ends up, I have to say Manhunt is the most cynical, bleak, twisted up look at WWII I've ever seen. My experience isn't massive, but even so...)

Anyway, as I may have mentioned, Vincent, one of our Extra Specially Terrible Resistance agents has top Nazis falling over themselves to die for him, one way or another, so I wrote fic about it. Even if old telly means never knowing how to spell anyone's surnames.* Spoilers abound, though, so this will probably be read by no one ever, alas. But I feel accomplished. (I just need to write Nina/Vincent/Jimmy now for my
trope_bingo "huddling for warmth" square, because if you have a practically canon OT3 who have to hide in barns and hedges in a freezing winter, it would be ungracious not to do it, really. After I've typed up the squares that'll get me an amnesty Bingo.)

War Is Love, Love Is War (1342 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Manhunt (TV 1969)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Joseph "Vincent" Reynolds/Paul Menard, Joseph "Vincent" Reynolds & Wolfgang Gratz, Joseph "Vincent" Reynolds/Ann-Marie "Nina" Poitiers, Joseph "Vincent" Reynolds/Egon
Characters: Joseph "Vincent" Reynolds, Paul Menard, Egon (Manhunt TV 1969), Wolfgang Amadeus Gratz
Additional Tags: Spoilers, Episode: s01e19 The Death-WIsh, Episode: s01e04 What Did You Do in the War Daddy?, Episode: s01e08 A Different Kind of War, Episode: s01e25 What Next?, Canonical Character Death, fathers and sons, World War II
Summary: “What is war? War is love.” Vincent, and the Fascists who love him.

(Or, if you're a fellow old Brit telly lover, this fic is mostly depressing, but partly Peter Barkworth/Julian Glover, and Peter Barkworth/James Maxwell, and Peter Barkworth/Robert Hardy (ish). Blame canon, not me.)

* Why, yes, I have just given myself quite the wrangling tangle to sort. /o\

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fannish scribbles, wwii, hc_bingo, manhunt

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