Fic: Treasure Hunt

Apr 25, 2017 20:39

I actually wrote this at the same time as Meet Me At Midnight, but it's a little odd, and I forgot about it. However, it finishes off my last prompt for my Fourth Doctor table at dw_allsorts, so yay.

Title: Treasure Hunt
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1842 words
Notes/Warnings: For the prompt "steal the gold." Fourth Doctor, Leela, Original Characters, K9. Outsider POV, implied death.
Summary It’s been a frightening day, and now there are some very odd burglars in Miya’s house...

Treasure Hunt on AO3 | also at the Teaspoon.

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fannish scribbles, fourth doctor, dw_allsorts, leela, doctor who

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