A few more notes on shifting sides

Apr 14, 2017 12:52

(And then hopefully no more! It takes quite a while to fiddle about and pack up stuff, and spoons too. Also rl was a little busier at the same time.)

1. I have been moving my communities! Some of these are still waiting on import, for various reasons (also the queue is still very long; it's definitely a mass back-up/exodus this time) and so have nothing on them yet, and some of them are more for archival purposes, but most are active or would happily be again, and certainly this mod is around for questions/tagging etc. if anyone else posts:

I moved dw_allsorts over here in January, and it is all shiny and ready at
who_allsorts. I won't close the other, but feel free to switch your claim over (or drop your claim and start a new one at Dreamwidth, I won't tell). Also I probably will only add new tables on this side now.

dw_straybunnies is now fully imported at
who_straybunnies! (It hasn't been active for a while, but as long as I'm still here, I'll be fine with people posting to it - it is/was a community for donating Doctor Who fanwork ideas (plotbunnies, if you'll forgive the tweeness, but it makes for a handy name) plus regular discussion of plot ideas we'd like to see and occasional challenges to fill some of the donated prompts.)

dw_guestfest is created now at
who_guestfest, but I won't import it until this weekend is over, as someone's still trying to write a last fic for this year's fest. Obviously, the ficathon is over for this year, so nothing will be happening there until it runs again.

house_of_eliott is now in progress to
house_of_eliott, hopefully before the LJ version entirely crumbles off a cliff. It's very tiny, but it's a general House of Eliott comm. (This is the only one I will be deleting, because it's so very tiny and crumbling and my co-mod has deleted their account, so it's on virtual point of collapse.)

cakefic is not yet in progress (but will be as soon as HoE finishes) and you'll find it at
cakefic. It's not exactly very active, I know, but I do mean to finally run a cakeficathon one day (and heaven forfend that cake fic should be lost)! (
clocketpatch, shall I make you co-mod again?)

I am also co-mod of b7friday, which
vilakins has imported to
b7friday and I hope to see if it's possible to revive it over there, as I think quite a lot of the B7 crew are more Dreamwidth based, such as there is in journal-land anyway).
vilakins also imported
b7fic, and already runs
blakes7 (and foolishly just made me co-mod of both, which is new. Soon, I shall be supreme commander of the Federation and have all the best dresses!)

And I think I really am going to launch Apocabingo soon at
tic_tac_woe, but more about that anon!

Please feel free to join any of them you like, even the ones that are still slightly works in progress. I do mean to pimp
who_allsorts and
b7friday a bit, and of course
tic_tac_woe once I've firmed up the rules, and we'll see how it goes with the rest.

And, wow, no wonder that's been taking it out of me. *collapses* (Also, if you are not so much on Dreamwidth, or even if you are, and are feeling a little concerned about imported content, claiming your open ID is super-easy and seems to work like magic on assigning those posts and comments to your actual Dreamwidth account (providing you have one, of course) and then that allows you to edit/delete them as with the original.)

2. Also, in order to get me over the transition bump among other things, I've decided to turn off commenting on my crossposts for the next two months (at least). I've been trying to make sure I've granted access to everybody I can think first so you'll still be able to see and comment on flocked entries, but spotting who I've missed is rather like that game where you have a tray of objects and then take one or two away - and I was always rubbish at that game! So if I haven't yet, just point me in your direction at Dreamwidth. I am a terrible turncoat, I know, but I feel very happy about it! I hadn't realised how much worrying about LJ apocalypses was getting me down.

(tl;dr after this entry, you will have to click through on the link to comment, but I have faith in your ability to cope with slight extra clickiness, even if you judge me for it. ;-p)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

minor characters ficathon, house of eliott, b7friday, doctor who, dreamwidth, cake!fic, dw_straybunnies, dw_allsorts, blake's 7

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