Possible WIP list

Feb 17, 2017 21:49

Everyone else was doing this for
onedeadplotbunny, and I thought that, since I always have a similar list of things I have to write and want to write etc., there was no point doing it for a comm. But then I thought, in that case, actually, why not do it with a comm and more people? So, even if somewhat belatedly:

(Updated 29/04/17)

Currently in progress (for fests/exchanges etc.)

* [Redacted] for
hetswap. (Typed up in draft, nearly good to go.)

* Gothic Romance for the Minor Characters Ficathon (dw_guestfest). (Have a half-written draft in notebook; no details until it is a thing that is a thing.)

* Untitled Adam/Georgie Regency AU for
unconventionalcourtship, if it runs again. (Has a complete end sequence, needs beginning and middle; should probably finish it even if UC doesn't run again.)

* When the Lights Go Out for
fandom_stocking 2015 for Annariel and Kaffyr. (First chapter typed up, 2nd in draft, many notes - need to sort some character stuff and finish properly, and type up. Before next December!)

* Another NYR fic (in a different fandom). ??

Also ongoing: bingo tables for
genprompt_bingo (progress 0)

trope_bingo Amnesty Round (1 4 squares filled; 2 in progress. Will be too late for May; to post bingo in Amnesty period (May/Jun))

hc_bingo (various fills, just need to post at some point during Amnesty (before June)).

And two dw_allsorts tables (1 prompt remaining on first table - 6 Prompt table finished); need to post 1 historical fill by May (renew date?).

tic_tac_woe (Apocabingo): 3 apocalyptic fills needed. \o/

Runaway Tales

* Backlog of pieces in notebook to type up (at least one AU to double up with
trope_bingo.) Making good progress; varous doubled up with trope, origfic and hurt_comfort bingos.

* Horror AU to finish for Smoothie (belated entry for Summer Challenge 2015)

* Type up last piece for Passionfruit.

* Finish White Chocolate.

* Finish Lemon-Lime Sorbet.

origfic_bingo: complete at least five squares (& then can put down card & pick up new one Dreamwidth-side). (2 done, at least 2 in progress.)

* Move to
rainbowfic instead over summer?

Two fake TV shows in progress:

1. Episode Guide + last casting.

2. Further casting, episode guide, type up.

Lurking Fanfic (probably deceased)

* Elizabeth of York the vampire slayer

* Eight & Lucie + Owls

* Last 1980s UNIT fic (pretty much complete in longhand with some typed up)

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writing, fannish nonsense, onedeadplotbunny, wips

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