Doctor Who Minor Characters Ficathon 2017

Feb 12, 2017 13:13

The Doctor Who Minor Characters Ficathon is on again for this year! See below for details and please pimp if you can - there's a banner post with handy coding at the comm. There is also a rebloggable tumblr post for similar pimpage over there.

Also go sign up and prompt if you're a Doctor Who fanficcer! And don't forget you don't need to be taking part to leave prompts - all welcome!

dw_guestfest is a low pressure ficathon for all minor/guest characters from any corner of the Whoniverse.

Open now for both prompts and sign-ups! (If you're not on LJ, anon commenting is on, and other methods of prompting/signing up etc. are available - check the comm for more info.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

minor characters ficathon, ficathon, doctor who

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