Things (one day I'll do better with titles)

Feb 09, 2017 17:36

1. This week got eaten by complaining about my lack of the book I ordered to an Amazon Marketplace company but at least I have said book now, even if I may possibly wind up with two. (It's not that they were awful, it's just that I can't do these things very well at all these days, and I had to phone the Post Office delivery place, even though you can't, and talk to both my neighbours, it was terrible.)

2. But here is a better thing - dw_guestfest, the Doctor Who Minor Characters Ficathon is now open for prompting! You don't have to be taking part to leave prompts - you don't even need to be on LJ. (Anon commenting is on for your convenience, or you can pm me with them here, or leave them in this post if you'd rather - and, indeed, you can sign up and play that way too - there's more details in the info post at the comm.) If you have ever loved any of the one-off characters of the Whoniverse, feel free to leave inspiration and see if anyone picks it up!

3. I am still watching Doomwatch, but only in between things, because it is sheer 70s paranoia TV about the ways in which all scientific developments could KILL YOU and the apocalypse needs to come in relatively small doses. The second surviving episode is the (apparently infamous) one about the killer rats, which despite the cute fakeness of some of the rats, was indeed enough to give me nightmares, but it's very good. It was made about exactly the same time as S7 of Doctor Who (that is to say, the original S7), except it is less awesome because it doesn't have the Brigadier or Liz Shaw, but it does still make for gripping TV. (Also, there should be crossovers, they were literally showing at the same time, where are all the crossovers? I can see there will be one before I'm done, lol. Probably not for the Minor Characters Ficathon, unless some dodgy DW scientist also gets investigated by Doomwatch...)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

minor characters ficathon, doomwatch, doctor who, 1970s, rl

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