It's very laid back! It has no deadlines as such, and the prompts are all gen, but you can create shippy or gen things from them as you please. And they have this opt in or opt-out system that is very handy for getting a card. I'd eyed it up for a while, but I'd kind of assumed there were clashing deadlines with other things. :-)
I've just been and looked at the prompts and it is a fun list! I really, really don't need to be thinking about writing anything else until I've finished my Yuletide story -- which is in not in very good shape, and which I have increasingly little time to work on (gulp!) -- but if it's got no deadline, it might be something I can amuse myself with when that's all over.
Yes, I am (happily) done with my assignment, but I want to write two treats I eyed up when the letters went out, plus there's fandom_stocking - but this one will still be valid when that's all over. And I think the min requirements are pretty small, so filling a square might even count as warming up activities!
*pets you for approach of Yuletide bears* Good luck!
I'm pretty sure it's a bad thing because poor mods! (Also mine was posted! I had it all neatly there in my assignments section and now it's vanished! And I know the story is still there, which is the important bit, but I like the way AO3 records your completed assignments as if it's a great accomplishment.)
And that's not a version of fannish bingo I've seen before, I don't think. I may be tempted...
(not that I'm tempting you or anything)
(not AT ALL. one little bit.)
*looks innocent*
*pets you for approach of Yuletide bears* Good luck!
You're supposed to have little jingly bells, aren't you? It's Christmassy at least!
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