Mainly fic

Nov 29, 2016 20:34

1. I'm beginning to feel like my entries here are heartlessly ignoring everything in rl, but they're not. It's just I have nothing useful to contribute to that conversation right now (and, anyway, I'd get upset and angry again, and that only leads to being less well instead of more well), so I shall just continue as I am, and at least be cheerful. But it's not meant as heartless I'm All Right, Jack stuff, or relentless Pollyanna-ness, I swear.

2. I wrote another Edward/Julia AU ages ago (I have a list of 15 prompts that are all destined to be such; I realise now this was a bad idea, but I won't stop till they're all done nonetheless), and finally edited it this weekend, now that my Yuletiding has calmed down a little. (If mostly because of sad lack of brain this last week, but still.) (I am writing meme ficlets too. Just slowed by sad lack of brain, as ever.) Anyway, here is a very frivolous 1960s AU that was mostly written so that Edward could be pained by modern music (and Julia pained by his inappropriate clothes; it's a trial):

Even the Bad Times Are Good (Teen, 10,491 words. Edward Iveson/Julia Graves, Christy Graves. 1960s AU.) In which dating is complicated, Edward can’t stand modern music, and Julia can’t stand Edward’s clothes.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

divide & rule, original fiction, runaway_tales

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