Runaway tales catch-up

Oct 04, 2016 09:37

I stopped linking to my runaway_tales fic when I posted it somewhere back at the beginning of the year, but I've still been writing them (if not as much, thanks to being interrupted by surgery and inconveniently long AUs and things). I thought, that since anyone interested knows where to look by now linking was just being a nuisance, but then I thought maybe I'd link to anything slightly different/more relevant to people's interests, so going back over the last few months, I found:

Two tiny ficlets for Enigma House! (My very first isurrendered show, the one about the haunted hotel with the amnesiac heroine and the possibly dead chap in the bathroom and suspiciously Spooks-heavy casting, if anyone has a memory that long):

Uncomfortable Company (G, 350 words. Mia Robinson, Claud Dickinson.) Another day, another unsatisfied customer…

Seize the Moment (PG, 438 words. Mary, DCI Michael Harrison.) It’s time to get out of here.

In a similar vein, I had a prompt for Edward/Julia - supernatural au & lost weekend and it occurred to me that if my canon is supposed to be like a UK 1970s drama series, then the supernatural AU for it must be the UK 1960s/70s action/adventure/sf land where every single village harbours either dodgy cults, mad scientists, or aliens, or something. (The idea of what it's like to be a member of the government in that set up is v amusing; I shall have to return to this one some time. I mean, it's no wonder all the men from Whitehall are unreasonable: every time someone gets a funding grant for a new project it all turns out to wind up nearly destroying half the country, eating up the budget, and even if you don't get killed, you get shouted at by arrogant eccentric geniuses in silly clothes and placated with tea.*)

Weekend Break (Teen, 8373 words. Edward Iveson/Julia Graves, Diana Foyle.) “The Government isn’t doing enough to counteract the rise of demon worship in more remote areas of the country. It’d be a different story if it were happening in the Home Counties.”

* I don't watch too much old telly, honest. *cough*

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

divide & rule, enigma house, original fiction, runaway_tales

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