An AO3 Meme I found going around, and I can rarely resist an AO3 meme. Mind, this one is going by the top tags in the sidebar, which tend to be more than a bit skewed, but hey...
What’s your first and second most common work ratings?
General Audiences (363)
Teen and Up Audiences (47)
I have apparently never even marked a fic Mature, which I thought I had. But not. I'm now wondering about that. "Outcomes of War" (for instance) really does go pretty grim in places... And what about The Cornfield? Or doesn't sex pollen count as Mature when its pure Elemental weirdness? Yeah, probably not. Elements. (I'm beginning to miss S&S, I can feel it coming over me...)
How many fics have you written in each relationship category? Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences?
Gen (278)
F/M (103)
F/F (16)
M/M (12)
Other (10)
Multi (9)
The 'Other' is mostly Elements and AI. Quite often Elements/AI, especially Silver. (Oh, S&S...)
Well, I do tend to Gen and I am generally a bit less keen on reading or writing Slash, and as someone who can't write a love scene with two people easily, writing ones where there are multiple people is difficult. (Unless they're Elements.) But I haven't sat down and thought out a preference - and sometimes I write for prompts, or somebody tells me I can't manage to write Steed/Baldrick and I do, so basically I don't plan these things out.
What are your top four fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in any of them, and do you tend to migrate a lot?
Doctor Who (1963) (158) | (2005) (50)
Sapphire and Steel (53)
Blake's 7 (39)
Press Gang (38)
If I've written that much in a fandom, I'm probably in it for life, but I'll come and go and flirt with any other fandom going. Some things are things I happen to have written for once, though, rather than being fannish about. I move forward and back again and again, with DW as the one big constant, so I suppose that is migratory? I move from B7 for the winter to S&S for the summer and back again.
What are your top two most used additional tags, and your bottom two? What would happen if you combined all of these into a fic?
Top two:
Crossover (90)
Ficlet (82)
Bottom two:
Community: hc_bingo (18)
Community: dw100 (13)
Well, since dw100 is a drabble comm and drabbles aren't eligible for hc_bingo, it would be fic that broke the rules of at least one of those comms, that's all I can say.
What are your top four character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled?
Silver (S&S) (38)
Silver (Sapphire and Steel) (37)
Sapphire (Sapphire and Steel) (34)
Steel (S&S) (33)
Kenny Phillips (32)
Aha, well, yes and no. The thing is, I wrote a lot of S&S fic, and OC Elements aside, there aren't many characters in S&S so the same three turn up in nearly everything, although, yes, Silver is my favourite. Kenny is there because I claimed him for a comm (30ficlets or something?) and each fic had to include him, but while I like him, Lynda is really my PG favourite - so I think, really, I write fairly widely for characters in my fandoms, except when something makes me narrow it down (small no. of characters or a challenge or something).
The rest of the top ten are:
Lynda Day (29)
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (14)
Third Doctor (11)
Kerr Avon (10)
Fourth Doctor (10)
Which does feel really random, because I don't feel like I've written that much Three or Four. Lynda is my PG fave and naturally was in the 30ficlets set too. (I claimed Kenny, but I mostly wrote Lynda & Kenny).
Actually, it probably is really random - I wondered how could Three and the Brig get so far up the list without Liz, when that's mostly from Brig/Liz fic, and lo, I have written 22 fics with Liz Shaw and she's not even on the list. (It might be partly because the earlier ones are under Liz Shaw and the later ones under the disambigged version, I think. But still.)
Hmm, there's not even a relationship tags question here? This feels like half a meme!
Crossposted from Dreamwidth --
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