Randomised fics

May 24, 2016 21:26

I was feeling a bit bored and played with the Ersatz Genremixer, with the challenge to have to write flash fic for at least one prompt out of each 10 it gave me. The results are under the cut. (Some splinter!Claras were sacrificed in the process.)

1. Twelfth Doctor / Servalan - alien invasion & in vino veritas/drunkfic., 177 words

“That was barely what I would call an interrogation,” said Servalan.

The Doctor waved a hand. “Well, it turns out that this particular species can’t hold their liquor. Makes them chatty, too. Lucky for us.”

“Indeed,” said Servalan. “It will be a very short-lived invasion now, I assure you. Thank you for your assistance, Doctor.”

The Doctor stepped back. “I didn’t assist you. You just happened to be in the way while I was foiling a plot for galactic domination. And if I’d known the sort of people they were invading, I might have supported them instead. Well, apart from the fact that I can’t go round condoning creatures who murder and eat other sentient species.”

“Talking of enemies,” said Servalan, pulling out a gun. “I think it must be time to say farewell, Doctor. I don’t believe that I could live with you running around here for long.”

“Oh,” said the Doctor, raising his hands. He gave her another look. “You know, you remind me of someone. I just can’t put my finger on it…”


2. Vila Restal / Silver - estrangement & major illness, 186words.

“I’m dying,” said Vila, giving his most pitiful moan. “This is it, I’m stuck here all alone and I’ve had it. I’ve got the plague or something. That’s why they’ve left me.”

Silver glanced over at him. “You’re not alone. You’re not going to die. Or at least, not if I can finish this.” He waved a hand at the wires he had spread over the control desk of the small ship. He’d pulled some of them lose altogether and others he’d tied in knots. Conventional repairs weren’t Silver’s forté.

“You’re just my feverish hallucination. How would you know?”

“Do hallucinations often make you chicken soup?” Silver sounded as if he thought it was entirely possible that they might.

Vila tried to sit up, and then fell back weakly. “Aha, yes, well, see, that was the giveaway. Even I couldn’t pull off a trick like that. So you can’t be real.”

“No, I suppose not,” said Silver and gave Vila his brightest smile. “In which case, it wouldn’t do any harm to lend me that bracelet of yours, would it? Just for a minute or two…”


3. Sarah Jane Smith / Clara Oswald - drabble & reunions (drabble)

“Good grief,” said Sarah, as she turned to give the Doctor’s latest friend her most welcoming smile. “But that’s impossible.” She glanced at the Doctor. “Although I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath saying that with you around.”

Clara screwed up her face. “What’s impossible?”

“Years ago,” said Sarah. “A hit and run accident - a girl pushed me out of the way. She looked just like you. Only she -” She looked at the Doctor.

The Doctor shifted his position. “Ah, well, yes, long story. Lots of Claras.” He stopped. “There’s a scary thought. Terrifying.”


“Impossible will do.”


4. Ace McShane / Clara Oswald - cuddling & hiding an injury, 125 words.

“Just as well you spotted what that scumbag was up to,” said Ace, with her arm around Clara as they huddled in the unwelcoming bunker they’d hidden in. “You saved my life.”

Clara leant her head against Ace. “Worth it,” she said, with an effort. “Can’t have people interrupting the best kiss I’ve ever had. That’s just rude.”

“It wasn’t bad, yeah,” said Ace, blushing. She stole another glance at Clara as the other girl’s body grew heavier against her. “Hey, Clara. Clara!”

Clara’s eyelids fluttered and then remained closed. Ace could see now the bleeding wound she’d been covering with her hand until it slid to the ground as she lost consciousness.

It wasn’t fair, thought Ace. Why did this always have to happen?


Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

vila restal, servalan, clara oswin oswald, ace, doctor who, twelfth doctor, sarah jane smith, crossover, random generators, fannish scribbles, silver, sapphire and steel, blake's 7, fannish nonsense

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