A post that isn't entirely about the commentfest (but almost is)

May 13, 2016 18:01

1. The Obscure & British Commentfest continues! \o/ It is my birthday weekend now, so I shall be pimping again, at least a little, to see if I can poke it into some further weekend action (and then I promise I shall at least stop pimping). It's going nicely and we have a whole bunch of fills (including Spike from Buffy paying a visit to Nouvion and Steel getting sold suits from Mr Humphreys, just for starters).

Thanks to everyone who has helped promote it! It really does make a difference. I also have some rebloggable Tumblr posts, if anyone wants to give it a shout over there. (Most of the time when I complain about Tumblr, that's just me, because I was clearly a person made for LJ and therefore not Tumblr material, but you do realise when trying to promote something multi-fandom like this where the tag-tracking just isn't going to help much, that you have nowhere to go and are totally reliant on reblogs. If I'm missing some major fandom newsletter-type submission blog, let me know.) Anyway, please don't feel obliged, despite my over-thinking stuff, but if you are willing and able, the posts are here, here, here and here. Thank you!

1a. A side-effect of the Commentfest and LJ's relative quietness is that I get temporarily shunted to top of the day's LJs. (And, yes, such power! It puts me up above the gods...! etc. etc. And then I crash straight back into my usual obscurity.)

Anyway, the point of this is that LJ has a button you can press to automatically friend the top 15 journals, so I get random friending during the fest. If you have friended me over the last week and you did it on purpose and aren't a bot, please do comment to this post and wave at me, and I'll friend you back. (I just don't want to friend people who wanted someone popular and interesting! It would be embarrasing all round.)

2. Not entirely about the fest, but definitely Obscure & British - I have been writing some things! Here is an NYR fic, two fills for the fest, and a belated Trope Bingo effort, which can all be found over at AO3 (and the fills via the Masterpost, too, of course):

For the commentfest, for Liadt:

Congratulations & Celebrations (298 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Adam Adamant Lives!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Adam Adamant/Georgina Jones
Characters: Adam Llewellyn De Vere Adamant, Georgina Jones
Additional Tags: Ficlet, Humor, Obscure and British Commentfest
Summary: Adam and Georgie celebrate their anniversary in a way that's sure to become an annual tradition for them...

For the commentfest, for Van:

Rumours of Blake (947 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Blake's 7
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Vila Restal, Orac (Blake's 7), Kerr Avon, Dayna Mellanby, Cally (Blake's 7), Del Tarrant
Additional Tags: Mentions of Blake, mentions of various relationships, Ficlet, Humor, Work Contains Fan(s) or Fandom(s), Season/Series 03, Obscure and British Commentfest
Summary: The Liberator Crew discovers that some people have been writing fiction about their favourites rebels, and that rumours of Blake seem to have been greatly exaggerated. (S3)

A Sandbaggers/Mr Palfrey crossover for Trope Bingo square "Trust and Vows":

One Good Turn (1212 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Sandbaggers, Mr. Palfrey of Westminster
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Willie Caine, Neil Burnside, Mr. Palfrey (Mr. Palfrey of Westminster)
Additional Tags: Crossover, Spies & Secret Agents, Trope Bingo Amnesty, Trust Issues, 1980s, Season/Series 03 Spoilers
Summary: One bad apple and you’ve got to check the whole barrel hasn’t gone rotten, that’s the problem…

And for NYR, for paperclipbitch:

Four Plied (1359 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Poldark - All Media Types, Poldark (TV 1975)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Demelza Carne/Dwight Enys/Caroline Penvenen/Ross Poldark, Dwight Enys/Caroline Penvenen, Demelza Carne/Caroline Penvenen, Demelza Carne/Ross Poldark, Caroline Penvenen/Ross Poldark
Characters: Caroline Penvenen, Demelza Carne, Dwight Enys, Ross Poldark
Additional Tags: Yuletide, OT4, Book 07: The Angry Tide, Post-The Angry Tide
Summary: It's chiefly Caroline's doing, of course.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

comment!fest, 1960s, obscure & british, 1970s, the sandbaggers, mr palfrey, 1980s, poldark, fannish scribbles, blake's 7, adam adamant lives!

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