Annual AO3 Stats Meme

Apr 27, 2016 17:46

It's that time of the year again! Last year's results are here.

By hits (again, excluding some that have definitely been hit by bots or bugs skewing the count):

1. Century's End (Poldark, Ross/Demelza, 2692 words) 1585 hits.
2. Not Bad for a First Attempt (Heyer, Rule/Horry, 200 words), 1532 hits.
3. Truth & Compromise (Discworld, William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock, 4404 words), NYR 2011, 1458 hits.
4. This Single World Is Double Till I Die (OUaT, Emma/Regina, 4138 words), 1264 hits.
5. Ten Times The Doctor (Almost) Got Hitched (Doctor Who, 5358 words), 1227 hits.
6. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 1218 hits.
7. Observation (Miss Marple/Harry Potter crossover, Miss Marple & Luna, 357 words), 1153 hits.
8. something in the heart (15th C Hist/Shadow of the Tower, Henry VII/Elizabeth of York, 730 words), Trope Bingo, 1144 hits.
9. Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST: Voyager crossover, 5260 words), 989 hits.
10. Take the Second Path (OUaT, Emma/Regina, 2828 words), 817 hits.

(With another Henry VII/Elizabeth of York just outside of the top ten, Rewards of Battle.)

Most of my better/Yuletide fics have now been ousted by random things I wrote in popular pairings or pairings that later accidentally became popular, so I shall disdain this top ten obv. (Ross/Demelza, Emma/Regina & Henry VII/Elizabeth of York - blame The White Queen for that one, not Shadow of the Tower funnily enough).

Anyway, kudos! The most reliable method, without bots or bugs randomly getting in the way (I hope!):

1. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 134 kudos
2. Century's End (Poldark, Ross/Demelza, 2692 words), 75 kudos
3. Observation (Miss Marple/Harry Potter crossover, Miss Marple & Luna, 357 words), 74 kudos
4. Take the Second Path (OUaT, Emma/Regina, 2828 words), 63 kudos
5. Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST: Voyager crossover, 5260 words), 63 kudos
6. The Time Traveller's Guide: Important Additional Information (Time Traveller's Guide, 1722 words), Yuletide 2013, 56 kudos
7. Not Bad for a First Attempt (Heyer, Rule/Horry, 200 words), 55 kudos
8. Truth & Compromise (Discworld, William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock, 4404 words), NYR 2011, 54 kudos
9. Of Elements and Existence (Discworld/S&S crossover, 2642 words), Yuletide 2012, 53 kudos
10. This Single World Is Double Till I Die (OUaT, Emma/Regina, 4138 words), 51 kudos

(With Extract from the Memoirs of a Credit Snake (Yuletide Madness 2014) just hanging about below the top ten.)

Yuletide is beginning to show again here at least. Miss Marple still wins by a considerable length there. One day some stupid random pairing will overtake that ficlet and I will be v sad. In the meantime, Miss Marple will continue to pwn Dracula and the rest of my fic.

By comments:

1. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 40 comments
2. Of Elements and Existence (Discworld/S&S crossover, 2642 words), Yuletide 2012, 28 comments
3. Persistence in Porcelain (Jonathan Creek, Jonathan & Maddy, 4090 words) Yuletide 2013, 28 comments
4. Hit and Run (B7, Blake, Jenna, Avon, 4533 words), Yuletide 2010, 22 comments
5. Seeking Dragons (Tough Guide to Fantasyland, 2059 words), Yuletide 2010, 22 comments
6. Compendium (B7, Avon/Servalan, 4846 words), Yuletide 2011, 22 comments
7. The Quality of Mercy (Is Most Definitely Strained) (B7, Avon/Servalan, 509 words) Yuletide Madness 2014, 20 comments
8. Extract from the Memoirs of a Credit Snake (I,Claudius, 693 words), Yuletide Madness 2014, 20 comments
9. Vigil (Measure for Measure, Isabella/Duke Vincentio, 1246 words), Yuletide 2012, 20 comments
10. New Tricks for Old Dogs (or Five Alternate Universes Where Sandra Pullman Was Always Awesome) (New Tricks, ensemble, 2746 words), Yuletide 2012, 19 comments
=10. The Time Traveller's Guide: Important Additional Information (Time Traveller's Guide, 1722 words), Yuletide 2013, 19 comments

And, as ever, if you want people to talk to you, you need to do Yuletide. Apparently these days, there's just no other way. (This section is a collection of fics I'm much happier with, too. Yuletide FTW!) (In non-Yule fics, Five Times the Doctor Met Captain Janeway is lurking just under the radar here.

Bookmarks, as a bonus this time:

1. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 23 bookmarks
2. Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST: Voyager crossover, 5260 words), 15 bookmarks
3. Observation (Miss Marple/Harry Potter crossover, Miss Marple & Luna, 357 words),
4. Truth & Compromise (Discworld, William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock, 4404 words), NYR 2011, 9 bookmarks
5. The Time Traveller's Guide: Important Additional Information (Time Traveller's Guide, 1722 words), Yuletide 2013, 8 bookmarks
6. Home? (Doctor Who, Three, Ten, Donna, the Brig, the Master, Jo, 7938 words), 6 bookmarks
7. How To Save a Life (Ish) (Red Dwarf/DW, Arnold Rimmmer/Martha Jones, 2925 words), 6 bookmarks
8. Ten Times The Doctor (Almost) Got Hitched (Doctor Who, 5358 words), 6 bookmarks
9. something in the heart (15th C Hist/Shadow of the Tower, Henry VII/Elizabeth of York, 730 words), Trope Bingo, 6 bookmarks
10. Persistence in Porcelain (Jonathan Creek, Jonathan & Maddy, 4090 words) Yuletide 2013, 6 bookmarks

(There are 6 fics with 5 bookmarks lurking below the line: Ego Clash (DW/Poirot), Field Trip (Six, Ian & Barbara), Nobody's Property (Seven & Ace), Vigil again & Breaking the Bounds (Doctor/TARDIS).)

I would make constructive and interesting conclusions here, but all I can think of is how sad it is that people don't comment very much any more. But, you know, maybe I should get well and write betterer stuff or something and then they might. So I had better go find something more cheerful to do!

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, ao3, writing, fannish nonsense, meme

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