Yet More Top Five-ness

Aug 15, 2009 20:33

Which sounds like a list of Top 5 Five moments, which it isn't. I remembered that I hadn't done john_elliott's Top 5, so here goes:

I had problems with 'Top Five things I would like to see retconned out of existence', because while DW can come up with things that make me tear my hair out at times, I generally get over it and by the next month find it amusing anyway. And isn't retconning what evil types do? (Oh, and Time Lords and Torchwood.)

Nevertheless, here goes:

1. The ending of The Android Invasion. If there were a world where Harry got a better exit than this not-even-on-screen unforgiveable rubbish, I'd be happy. (Although I still want the BBC to bring it out on DVD, because my VHS copy broke half way through last time I tried to watch it, which means even less Harry in the world for me.)

2. What the NAs did to Ace. I'm not bothered now, because everyone's given up on accepting them as official canon (except any Bits People Like and Benny), but when I was a teenager, I would definitely have retconned this and probably done actual harm to Peter Darvill-Evans had he come anywhere near me. There is nothing like being a teenager and having your no. 1 heroine that you want to grow up to be (hmm) suddenly turned into an unlikeable, embittered, still just as messed up, Dalek-killing machine. Because only 30 year old men are fans of DW. (My other heroines were Lynda Day and Kate Adie, but sadly I still can't say boo to a goose except on rare occasions and I only ever blew up a thermistor once).

3. Sarah's 20 years of moping in School Reunion. Or I would, if I believed it for a second. The thing with DW, is that continuity is always up and down and this means that our lovely Sarah Jane, for all her better side, tells whopping great fibs from time to time (like this, and "I come from 1980." Not in those outfits, you don't.) I'm sure she has her reasons.

4. I'm getting desperate here: Michael in the BFA The Gathering. Not entirely, but keep that other girl alive and let him take his much-too-young voice, strangest accent ever heard on audio and car-obsession and run off with her, letting Tegan to do that leaving scene on her own two feet and spare me the sound effects I could have so lived without. I mean, the poor man has to compete with Five and then he goes on about his car, (which, btw, is romantic-fic of whatever sort, shorthand for "I'm young, flashy, shallow and Not The Right One, whatever it might actually mean in life). I don't want it to end differently. I just want him out of the way and not give me Scenes of Wrongness in my head. Then I could love this audio properly for the amazing arguing and being the antidote to School Reunion.

5. Do you think anyone will notice if I don't write a fifth? Hmm. Okay, if you push me, I could pretty much live without anything written by Chris Chibnall. I had to stop watching Torchwood because of my reactions to his scripts and he did something truly terrible: he nearly stopped me from watching Life on Mars because I saw his episode and it wasn't anything like as good as the five minutes I'd seen from the first one. Anyway, enough of that. I'm not saying he's a terrible writer, just that I've learned by now that I'll end up throwing things by the end of one of his eps. (My main problem is that our world-views differ considerably and my main criticism: why can I not shake the feeling, especially in Torchwood that he writes stuff because it was cool on some other show? And he writes emotional scenes all TV Soap while simultaenously saying "Aren't I clever and mature to do this?")

Which I hope is as vindictive a post as you'll ever get from me, but I did promise to answer the questions.


Also persiflage_1 said if I wanted to do my top Brig/Liz is canon! moments, I could. So I did:

1. Inferno Brig and Liz are definitely an item. We don't want to know how or why because it would be disturbing, but it does suggest at least that in a world without the Doctor, they get together.

2. When he chats her up - I mean, interviews her in Spearhead from Space. And then watches her work a lot. She doesn't half enjoy trying to wind him up, too.

3. Ambassadors: The villain tells Liz that he's killed her UNIT friends. Does Liz do what every other single white female companion does and gasp "The Doctor?" No, she doesn't. Her instant concern is "The Brigadier?" This is unheard of. (Plus, for some reason, I really, really like their exchange after he rescues her and the Doctor, asking if she's all right and she says "Just get me out of here." I think it's the little look between them.)

4. The Brigadier escapes from the Silurians and Liz is concerned. (I must watch this one again, because it was probably the shippiest.) Also, Silurians, Ambassadors and Inferno all establish that Liz works with the Brigadier much more than the Doctor does - he picks and chooses which investigations to do but she, as an official employee, gets to go on the boring ones. (Where no doubt she sounds off to the Brigadier about the Doctor being impossible while still trying and failing to wind him up).

5. Inferno: I can't quite remember what it is, but there's a moment where LIz just orders him to follow her (or hurry up, or whatever it is), without explanation - and he does. (With an honourable mention for the bit where - accident of production I know, but still - Stahlmann or someone has a conversation and they stay close together in the back of the shot, chatting animatedly.)

brig/liz, doctor who, meme

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