I realised that when I saw people's request, my fic on Teaspoon is very misleading - I must add a disclaimer here that (for various reasons), I actually have whacking great gaps in my Three-era stories I've seen. So if my favourite bits seem lacking, that could be why.
Top Five Delgado Master Moments
1. The Sea Devils: watching the Clangers and pretending to be good while wearing white (and a rather beautiful black cloak-thing). "It seems to be some sort of new life form."
2. The Sea Devils: Anyone for a big Doctor-Master sword-fight?
3. Claws of Axos: On entering the Doctor's TARDIS. It's not even the wonderful line "Over-weight, under-powered, might as well try and fly a second-hand gas stove." as much as how genuinely shocked he is at the state of it. ("What have you been doing, Doctor?") (With also much love for the moment where he ends up working with the Brigadier and being gently sarcastic on nuclear warfare).
4. Frontier in Space: I can't decide between anything in this - his entry (why is Jo not pleased to see him? I was overjoyed, after all that padding and swapping cells), his pretending to be good yet again ("I have devoted my life to the cause of law and order...") and working for the Daleks "Stupid tin pepperpots, we'll see who rules the galaxy!". But maybe it has to be reading H G Wells and turning the sound down on the Doctor's waffling with the comment: "In reminiscent mood are we, Doctor? Poor Miss Grant, you have my deepest sympathies."
5. Posing as a vicar in The Daemons. He wants to be good, if only he could manage it.
I should add I do like the other Masters, so as a bonus:
Top Five Other Master Moments:
1. Anthony Ainley trying to convince various Doctors, none of whom will listen, he's on their side in The Five Doctors. It's very entertaining, plus: "A cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about."
2. Geoffrey Beevers gloating in The Keeper of Traken and being twisted and insane.
3. The Simm Master taking over the world to a sound track and - still being the Master - knows the proper meaning of the word 'decimation', making pedants happy everywhere.
4. The Movie Master: "I always like to dress for the occasion!" How can you not love it? (Well, all right, but I do.) Plus,
john_elliott and
daibhid_c will know that this moment has given me no end of inspiration. Not just me, either. (Anyone remember the benign, cross-dressing alt-Master from the IAs?)
5. The Master fighting his animal nature in Survival. (And you've got to love Ace's reaction, to the Doctor: "Don't you know any normal people?")
This took some thinking about. "I'm not that mad about UNIT," I said to myself. Then I looked at TEaspoon page again and saw that something strange has happened. It was hard to do this without slipping into Top Five Brig Moments, but I pulled myself together and came up with something.
1. Storming the warehouse in Ambassadors. All right, it ends with a slight limp, but for once UNIT look absolutely convincing as an army outfit and there are more than two of them. I don't usually get fussed by gunfights, but I liked this very much. Oh, Season 7, how we missed you, fun as the rest of the UNIT era is.
2.Their first appearance in The Invasion, when they have a mobile HQ and everything's state of the art, but the Brigadier'll still make you a cup of tea and we meet Sergeant Benton for the first time.
3. The Brigadier interviews Liz Shaw in Spearhead and explains what UNIT is and it sounds like it's going to be the X-Files in 1970 and UNIT could have run without the Doctor. Plus, it has one of the Interchangeable Jimmys in.
4. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - UNIT fight dinosaurs and go on the run from the regular army yet again, Yates is a traitor, Benton punches a General and the Brig merely looks put upon when the Doctor throws unreasonable requests at him ("Get me a dinosaur!") and confronted with a prehistoric giant in the underground, suggests the Brig "Keep it busy". It's at times like this the Brigadier must surely be wondering whether it would have been better to have the Master on board instead. He would at least have asked nicely.
5. Silurian. How many men does the Brigadier have? "FIve - and Captain Hawkins!"
Oh, that was a bit silly, wasn't it? Okay then, real number five:
5. The Green Death. The Brigadier doesn't trust Global Chemicals, Mike goes undercover, Jo does what a girl's gotta do and they manage for two episodes without the Doctor coming anywhere near Wales. Then the Doctor dresses up and Benton feeds the maggots.
I think I'll have to continue in another post now.