Multifandom Recs list: Robots, Androids & Other Artificial Intellgences

Dec 19, 2015 13:39

A Robots/Artificial Intelligences Hurt/Comfort recs list for
hc_bingo square "Robots/androids". I widened the definition out to include all AI (but there are at least 10 recs that feature more unambiguous androids/robots, just to make sure I'm definitely covered on the challenge requirements).

I have a huge soft spot for AI characters in various fandoms, so here's a list of some great fanworks featuring them (fic + 1 vid). The recs post is in two sections - one where the AI characters are the focus/POV and the other(shorter one) where the focus/POV is the human(oid)s interacting with/being hurt by them (with some rampaging of killer robots going on). There should be some element of hurt/angst, comfort, or hurt/comfort in each fic (as this is for Hurt/Comfort Bingo).

Ratings are included; please see any further warnings at the original fic posts.

Part One

Not Seeing by fog_shadow
(G, 1542 words. Ander Poul/D84) In the beginning, Poul could not imagine that his assignment to the sand miner was anything other than a Bad Idea, all the way around. Gradually, however, he discovers that at least part of the ordeal is not as miserable an experience as he had anticipated. Fascinating exploration of the relationship between Poul and D84 (one-off characters from the serial "The Robots of Death" - and how there can be a relationship between a robot, however special, and a robophobic human.

Difference of Opinion by Gary Merchant
(All ages, 902 words. K9, Mr Smith, Sarah Jane Smith.) As K9 and Mr Smith continue to bicker, Sarah issues them both with an ultimatum. Fun and sweet ficlet as Sarah tells K9 and Mr Smith that they have to learn to stop bickering or else, and the two work out their differences between them.

Vid: Tin Xylok by touchdownpossum
(G, 2.59 mins. K9/Mr Smith.) The snarkiest love story ever told. The pairing gets a humorously epic treatment - pride and difference can be conquered, after all!

Borrowed Time by Nix Nada
(All ages, 1197 fic. Kamelion, Fifth Doctor.) The fifth Doctor tries out an experimental telepathic circuit on the android Kamelion, with unexpected results. Clever little fic, from Kamelion's POV as the Doctor tries to help Kamelion find a solution to his problems - but, as ever with Kamelion, it only makes things worse.

Closet Romance by Primsong
(All ages, 214 words. Kamelion/Vacuum cleaner.) It wasn't a lift, it was a broom closet. Thankfully, he was not alone. Gem of a tiny ficlet in which Kamelion finds comfort where he can.

Code Error by Ilthit
(G/PG, 1197 words. Kryten, Kristine Kochanski.) Kryten attempts to reprogram himself to suit his new classification as female. It doesn't take. Nicely done piece, as Kryten attempts to adapt himself to suit others' perception of him and finds that his programming (and identity) isn't that simple any more.

AI Do by BlueNeutrino
(G, 1830 words. Eleventh Doctor, Holly/Marvin the Paranoid Android. DW/Red Dwarf/Hitch-Hiter's crossover.) He wasn't quite sure how it had got to this, but here he was, standing on a beach somewhere on Pen Haxico 2, conducting a wedding ceremony for two forms of artificial intelligence that didn't even seem to like each other. The Eleventh Doctor finds himself performing a very odd ceremony - Holly's algorithms suggest that Marvin's CPU is the only one capable of restoring her IQ of 6000 while the Hitch-Hiker's crew think the experience might be the one thing to cure Marvin's depression. Marvin's less hopeful, obviously. Never has there been a more apathetic wedding ceremony. This is a lot of fun & a clever idea. I'd wish them all the best, but you just know it's probably only going to mean the end of the universe again...

Compatability Report by virusq
(G, 100 words. Marvin the Paranoid Android/GLaDOS. Hitch-Hiker/Portal crossover.) The reports would state that, on that day, Marvin's heart grew two sizes. The reports would be lying, obviously: Marvin does not have a heart. If he did, though, there would certainly be room for his intellectual match. I don't know Portal, but this is a excellent true drabble anyway.

Broken by estepheia
(Teen, 102 words. Buffybot.) A broken doll in chains ... Beautifully chilling poem and drabble, from the POV of the Buffybot.

Upgrade by dbskyler
(Teen, 3524 words. Dave Lister, Arnold Rimmer, Cat, Kryten.) The crew want to give Rimmer's hologram program an upgrade. Pitch-perfect, funny-yet-moving Dwarf-fic - as it says, the crew want to upgrade and improve Rimmer, but Rimmer has far more mixed feelings about that.

Analysing the Facts by still_lycoris
(Teen, 946 words. Kerr Avon, Orac.) Orac and Avon discuss what happened on Virn, to Orac's discomfort... Brilliant Orac-POV fic, as Avon wants to know what it was like for Orac to experience emotion and Orac is not sure that's a question he wants to answer. Angst and grumpy computers and denial ahoy.

Everything But The Kitchen Sink by netgirl_y2k
(All ages/PG, 1020 words. Oswin Oswald, Eleventh Doctor.) Another important lesson Oswin learns is that creeping up on the Doctor while he sleeps and shouting, "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" in his ear is only funny to her. Oswin learns to adjust to being a Dalek and the Doctor learns to adjust to travelling with a Dalek. Sharp, funny, and full of shenanigans.

Waiting by sallymn
(PG, 800 words. Servalan, Orac.) Orac finally gets revenge; it's been a long time coming. An excellent, dark and clever little Orac piece.

Soulmates by hafren
(G, 761 words. Slave, Vila Restal.) Vila finds someone who understands him. Snag: it isn't a someone... Great, fascinating look inside Slave's head and also a suprisingly aww-worthy piece as he bonds with and comforts Vila.

No More by locker_monster
(PG, 799 words. The Moment, The TARDIS, War Doctor.) They can save him from himself before he does the unthinkable. Beautiful TARDIS & the Moment POV piece, working together to save the Doctor from himself.

Knowing Her Place by Primsong
(All ages, 1364 words. The TARDIS.) That old Type 40 never did fit in. Now it would never be of use again, such a shame, such a shame. Wonderful look at how the TARDIS came to meet the Doctor.

There was a light the last time we spoke by Clocketpatch
(G, 9830 words. Zen/Jenna Stannis, Del Tarrant, Kerr Avon, Dayna Mellanby, Orac, Vila Restal, Cally.) Tarrant is determined to be successful at any cost. Amazing fic that is both Zen, pining over the loss of Jenna, and a thoroughly plausible Tarrant backstory.

Part Two

Things That Go Bump by Liadt
(G, 758 words. Kiy Uvanov, Kaston Iago.) Deep within the bowels of Kiy Uvanov’s mansion came an unearthly cry, which rattled the bones of all who heard it. There are rampaging robot Henry Hoovers in Kaldor, what more do you need to know?

The First Casualty by Lurky McLurklurk
(G, 5255 words. Bernice Summerfield, Fitz Kreiner, Eighth Doctor.) Benny's latest escapade leads to a meeting with a certain Fitz Kreiner. Benny's having a bit of a problem with an annoying journalist and some killer robots on the rampage. It's a marvellous romp of a missing adventure.

Electric Dreams by queenofhearts
(All ages, 1393 words. Sarah Jane Smith, Mr Smith.) With Luke away on a school trip, Sarah Jane hears voices from her past in the attic. Sarah finds out that Mr Smith has some more intriguing abilities. Lovely, thoughtful fic.

Type 40 by dbskyler
(All ages, 651 words. The TARDIS.) The latest release in TT Capsule technology: the Type 40! Great tongue-in-cheek write up of the newest TARDIS update and its, er, somewhat erratic capabilities...

Completing the Circuit by Kerr Avonsen
(Teen, 626 words. Zen, Kerr Avon.) Avon perceives Zen. Zen perceives Avon. Great little piece in which Avon finally gets a taste of what Jenna experienced with Zen.

The Darkness of Mere Being by Sakura Tsukikage
(All ages/PG, 1833 words. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Polly Wright, Ben Jackson.) Set during the Season 4 Serial "The Moonbase." The Doctor and Jamie discuss the nature of the Cybermen. The author takes the chance for a missing scene to reflect on the nature of the Cybermen and what they've become (robot, organic, cyborg?) and of humanity. Plus, it's a lovely bit of character interaction between Two and Jamie (and Ben and Polly when they turn up, too).

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

kaldor city, buffy the vampire slayer, doctor who, recs, hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy, hc_bingo, crossover, fannish scribbles, red dwarf, blake's 7, sarah jane adventures

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