Okay, so Tumblr has its uses...

Oct 27, 2015 09:54

I will explain later (with much waffling no doubt) but an anon on Tumblr directed me to a bunch of James Maxwell stuff from his college days - including his yearbook entry from 1949. Do you want to see a very young James Maxwell? Because you're going to if you look under the cut...

I haven't been through the yearbooks as thoroughly as the anon who pointed me there, but apparently he was class valedictorian and in the drama, journalism, French and German societies.* He also was not in one of those Greek letter thingumies, he was in the Lord Jeffrey Amherst Club (a new kind of club, and more democratic, it said in the book). And that credit for him as Marcus Brutus in a 1949 Julius Caesar is true - it was an Amherst production that was performed at the Shakespeare Folger Library and was broadcast by NBC, becoming the first full length Shakespeare film for US TV. (There are photos online. He had a fake beard. The addiction was clearly early and incurable.) I just thought IMBD was confusing him with another James Maxwell, the same way it has no idea how tall he was.

I am kind of mystified as to who the anon is. They say they only wish they had time to write his biography. Dear anon, if I had a brain... *sigh*

*Apparently this from his school yearbook which is also up somewhere (or images of it are). I'm a bit overwhelmed and v curious about this anon Tumblr user, because what random Tumblr person knows where James Maxwell went to school just like that?

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james maxwell

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