More meme ficlets! (I haven't forgotten!)
evelyn_b: Doctor Who/Press Gang - Lynda Day + Liz Shaw, brief encounter (215 words)
“This,” said Liz Shaw, “is supposed to be a top secret institute. How did you get in?”
The young intruder gave her a smile. “Well, we needed a lead article for the next edition and this seemed like our best bet.”
That didn’t actually answer the question, but Liz decided it might be best not to enquire any further. “Well, since you’re here, Ms Day, I suppose I can spare you five minutes.”
“Great!” said Lynda. “So, all those lights over Norbridge the last few weeks - not actually aliens, right? It’s you lot doing test flights or something.”
Liz looked back at her.
“Oh,” said Lynda. “You mean they are?”
Liz gave the slightest nod; certainly nothing that could be heard when the girl played her tape recorder back again.
“Damn,” said Lynda. “We can’t print that.”
“I could tell you something about the research that we’re doing here, though.”
Lynda nodded. “Great, thanks. But, thing is, that’s features and I needed a headline. Alien invasion’d be perfect - if we wanted to give The News of the World a run for its money.”
“Hmm,” said Liz. “We could oblige I suppose - how about ‘Junior newspaper editor forcibly thrown out of top secret establishment’?”
“It might be an angle. Needs to be a bit snappier, though…”
whuffle: The Avengers/Once Upon A Time - Emma Peel + Belle, go on the most awkward date EVER. (Date doesn't necessarily have to be with each other but it could be if you want.) (286 words)
Since the words "awkward date" and "Emma Peel" are probably contradictions in terms, I did the best I could, with Belle relating some of her, er, unconventional love life. (Which was probably a bit mean of me, sorry!)
Belle, it turned out, had relationship issues, with a capital i. As most of Mrs Peel’s dates lately had involved either dastardly but suave villains or Steed (or, in one or two isolated cases, revenge-driven madmen), the phrase ‘awkward date’ was almost meaningless to her. Not so for Belle.
“I mean,” said Belle, giving the question some thought, “does it actually count as a date if you’re someone’s prisoner? Sort of a prisoner, anyway.”
Mrs Peel shook her head. In her book, it most certainly did not. It usually came only minutes before the misguided villain tried to murder her and found it wasn’t as easy as he’d thought. “How about,” she said, “we move onto the main course, and you can tell me more?”
She contemplated inviting Belle back to her flat and asking her if she wouldn’t mind being interviewed for an article. It could, from a psychological standpoint, be an interesting case. And after that, she decided, it would most certainly call for bringing in Steed to suggest a suitable partner for a double date, and very possibly for a follow-up course in self-defence.
“The first date proper,” Belle added, as if it made things better, “was fine. Well, mostly. It got interrupted.”
“And this other young man of yours?”
“He’s sweet,” said Belle, with a sigh. “But definitely the rebound guy, you know?”
Mrs Peel nodded. “Hmm,” she said. “I know.” Belle would, she thought, be a fascinating study. She could think of at least three leading medical and scientific journals that had been begging her for a new article lately, plus it was also a clear case of a fellow human being in distress, and what else was she here for?
astrogirl2: Press Gang/Sapphire & Steel - Lynda Day + Sapphire, something’s going to explode! (428 words)
Lynda had learned a thing or two about newspapers after a couple of years on the Junior Gazette and one of those was that articles didn’t explode, except metaphorically, and even then only if you were really unlucky.
And yet, if an article did explode in a literal sense, it’d be kind of logical for it to leave stray words all over the rest of the newspaper.
“I’m afraid you can’t possibly print this edition,” Sapphire said. “The problem will only escalate until everything is under threat.”
Lynda shook her head. “We can’t afford not to! Besides, articles just don’t explode. This is some sort of joke, isn’t it? Spike put you up to this, right? Or Kenny - Kenny got them to print this out because -” Lynda stopped, because she couldn’t think why Kenny would do something stupid like this. She’d called him a pathetic excuse for a human being the other day, using many examples from their past thirteen or fourteen years of friendship to illustrate why, but it wasn’t as if he was usually bothered by that sort of thing. He’d have stopped being friends with her at least thirteen years ago if he was. Sarah might, of course, but not to her precious lead article.
“Oh, great,” Lynda said, sagging back down into her chair as the obvious explanation dawned on her, as did a familiar headache. “It’s Colin, isn’t it? What is it this time? Some sort of advertising stunt?”
Sapphire was ignoring her, staring hard at the mock-up, all ready to print. Her eyes might just have been glowing blue. “You need to destroy it.”
“Look,” said Lynda, trying to be reasonable, because it was the middle of the night, she was in her pyjamas in the newsroom, and a weird acquaintance of Colin’s was the last thing she needed, “articles don’t explode. Except in my dreams. Is this a dream?”
“Would it help if it was?”
“Well, if it’s my dream,” said Lynda, “it’s a rubbish one. I think I’d prefer Spike.”
Sapphire held a hand over the rough copy of the paper, as if she was trying to hold something back. “Reality is thin here. It won’t take much more.”
That, thought Lynda, could explain a lot. Especially Colin.
“You put it together,” said Sapphire. “You can take it apart.”
“So,” Lynda said, “you’re really serious about this: the world or the latest edition of the Gazette and I’ve got to choose?”
“Something like that.”
It was so unfair, thought Lynda. Why did she always get the really difficult questions?
spikesgirl58: Doctor Who/The Avengers - Emma Peel + Sixth Doctor, a keyring (322 words)
“Oh, Doctor, there you are. I came to tell you the ministry wanted to give you some sort of reward for your invaluable help -”
“My dear Mrs Peel,” said the Doctor, “when it comes to assisting in the dispatching of a particularly nasty little homicidal maniac, I ask for no other reward, I assure you! To be honest, I’m not sure you were in need of very much in the way of assistance, either.”
Emma Peel smiled. “Credit where it’s due, though, Doctor - even I couldn’t make any sense of that doomsday device of his. However, I thought you might say that - and as I did manage to salvage this item from his collection, I thought it might do.” She held out a key ring with a small pottery cat attached. “What do you say?”
“Oh, how kind,” said the Doctor, pocketing it happily. “Mrs Peel - Emma, I should say - you’re not doing anything else just now, are you? You wouldn’t fancy, say, a quick trip to the outer system and back? Take in a few sights, overthrow a few undeserving governments, all that sort of thing?”
Emma raised an eyebrow. “Well, I do have an experiment in progress and a gripping book to hand, and it’s very possible that Steed will have other ideas - but on the other hand how can I turn down an offer like that? Besides, I can hardly believe you about time travel without proof, can I? It wouldn’t be very scientific.”
“Splendid,” said the Doctor, and beamed as he held out his arm to her. “You won’t regret it, and we’ll get you back long before Mr Steed has a chance to notice you’re gone.”
Emma gave a slight smile. “Well, if you don’t mind - a few minutes after he’s had a chance to notice I’m gone would be perfect. It does pay to make sure one’s not being taken for granted every now and then.”
Crossposted from Dreamwidth --
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