...looking for a present for my Dad. (And since his birthday list is miles too short, he still hasn't got one, but I have an idea.)
And then I saw Blake's 7 S3 sitting on the shelf, all on its lonesome. ("It's a sign!" cried my optimistic self. The other half of me raised an eyebrow and said, "It's £10 dearer than on Amazon, you were supposed to be having a break, you've still got the commentaries, you want to write your story and don't be silly.")
And then while I was staring at it battling temptation (get this straight, Tanith Lee wrote an episode?) a 10 year old boy and his mum arrived beside me and started looking at the Doctor Who stuff. I earwigged, as you do. And what was he after? He only likes Colin Baker, apparently. This made my day and I forgot I wasn't allowed to do the Librarian thing and stepped in to help Mystified Mum ("I like David Tennant") who was baffled by the absence of a Season boxset, barring this Trial of a Time Lord thing by explaining how classic DW releases worked. "He really loves Colin Baker," she informed me with a shrug, obviously thinking I was sane (which she wouldn't if she'd known I was staring at B7 S3).
Isn't that great?
Which reminds me, I haven't actually signed up for
sixathon properly yet. I at least know which companions I want prompts for. I'm looking forward to it - the time scheme is pretty decent and I do like writing for Six.
I'm just rubbish at coming up with prompts. I mean, if I had a story idea, I'd probably be writing it, more fool me.
I just thought of an overly cute ending for Strange Weapons. *Glares at self* Said story is not cute. Well, it had better not be. Grr.
Oh, I didn't buy S3!