So, as I said, I wrote a second fic for
dw_guestfest. It is Underworld fic. I'm, um, sure the world needed it! (It might just coincidentally also be James Maxwell fic, too.*) Or: Not All Guest Characters Are As Awesome as Mrs Tyler (but that's no reason not to write fic for them. I hope).
Ship of Ghosts (1312 words) by
lost_spookChapters: 1/1
Doctor Who (1963)Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Jackson (Doctor Who), Herrick (Doctor Who), Orfe (Doctor Who), Tala (Doctor Who), Fourth Doctor
Additional Tags: Serial: s096 Underworld, Community: dw_allsorts, Community: dw_guestfest, Minor Character(s), Immortality, Regeneration
Summary: The quest is the quest. It’s all that’s left.
at the Teaspoon (once it's validated).
* Thus illustrating that the difference between James Maxwell and David Collings is that when they're called upon to play aliens who've been travelling in space for thousands of years by means of Time Lord technology and want nothing more than to lay down and die, David Collings is the one who gets to do it while wearing spaghetti on his head. (On the other hand, James Maxwell got the CSO Nightmare from Hell and David Collings got the Brigadier. Life is unfair, and Doctor Who is wonderfully ridiculous.)
Crossposted from Dreamwidth --
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