Two Quick Quotes

Jul 16, 2009 19:13

One, because I was talking about Hotel Babylon and belantana was interested. I described it as 'froth' and look what the Radio Times (Or Alison Graham, anyway) wrote about it this week:

"Take the froth from the top of a capuccino, mix it with candyfloss and tie the whole mess to a balloon, and you still wouldn't be able even to approximate the gossamer lightness of Hotel Babylon."

And then, this, because I have to take The State of Africa by Martin Meredith back to the library. I don't expect (even when kind of reading it on circuitous route from the serial) to find the origins of a Doctor Who story in my modern history book, but look here, About Time had somethings right about Image of the Fendahl:

[pp142-3]"What attracted particular interest was new evidence discovered in 1959 that Africa had been the cradle of mankind. After years of exploring the Olduvai Gorge, a hot, desolate, stony canyon in northern Tanganyika (Tanzania), a Cambridge archaeologist, Louis Leakey, and his wife, Mary, uncovered the skull... more affectionately known in the trade as Dear Boy...about 1.8 million years old."

Sorry. Small things please little minds. ;-)

quotes, doctor who, hotel babylon

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