Fic: Salt of the Earth

Mar 19, 2015 21:42

I managed to get my fic done! (Just!)

*collapses in a heap and hopes it isn't too full of horrible errors*

Salt of the Earth (4143 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who (2005), Torchwood
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Martha Tyler, Jack Harkness, Original Characters, Twelfth Doctor
Additional Tags: Community: dw_allsorts, Community: dw_guestfest, Minor Canonical Character(s), 20th Century, Witchcraft, Serial: s094 Image of the Fendahl, Women Being Awesome, Folklore
Summary: Martha Tyler lives on a time rift, sees things no one else does, and fights evil with rock salt. It’s been that way all her life.

Also at the Teaspoon (once it's been validated).

Anyway, the fic where Mrs Tyler lives by a time rift her whole life and is much better than Torchwood now exists, except I had to write it, which is just rubbish. Why don't other people write these things for me? (I didn't get much TW in; don't be misled.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

minor characters ficathon, fannish scribbles, dw_allsorts, jack harkness, doctor who, twelfth doctor, mrs tyler

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