15 Characters Meme - the answers

Feb 10, 2015 19:40

The list!

1. Adam Adamant
2. Emma Peel (The Avengers)
3. Charley Pollard (DW)
4. Eighth Doctor (DW)
5. Soolin (B7)
6. Silver (S&S)
7. Harry Pearce (Spooks)
8. Cora Mills (OUaT)
9. Clara Oswald (DW)
10. Servalan (B7)
11. Vila Restal
12. Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
13. Arnold Rimmer (Red Dwarf)
14. Jane Marple
15. Harry Sullivan (DW)

1. From oonaseckar:

In an alien invasion, the Eighth Doctor is offered the post of puppet dictator - as long as he proves his loyalty by tipping Harry Sullivan into a vat of boiling oil. What does the Doctor do? (What does Harry do?)

I'm sure the Doctor would be happy to pretend to be a puppet dictator in order to defeat the invading aliens, but, used as he is to these things, he would come up with a way for Harry to escape en route to the vat of boiling oil. If that didn't work out, he would of course blow his cover rather than ever throw Harry into a vat of boiling oil. Well, unless the aliens were controlling him or he was having an especially bad fit of amnesia that day.

(I'm grateful this question avoided any Spooks characters, though...)

2. From persiflage_1:

Charley Pollard, Emma Peel, the Eighth Doctor, and Cora Mills are on board an out-of-control aircraft - what happens next?

I don't know, but it sounds like a fun crossover. Happily for everyone, though, even if the Doctor couldn't get the aircraft back under control (and I'm pretty sure he would), Emma Peel is probably more than capable of doing so, and if the aircraft was actually damaged, then Cora could use her magic. Unless of course, the aircraft is out of control because Cora's using her magic after being defeated by the evil-fighting team of awesome that makes up the rest of the passengers. Which probably she has. That might make things trickier, but I'm pretty sure the Doctor would still come up with something, although Cora probably did manage to escape in the confusion.

Charley, Clara Oswald and Esme Weatherwax find themselves arriving at an inn for an overnight stay, but there's only one twin-bedded room left - who's happy to share a bed or the room, and who decides they'd sooner sit up all night in the lounge downstairs?

Charley and Clara are more than happy to share a bed for the night. No problem! And Granny Weatherwax is unquestionably the one who sits all night, ramrod stiff and glaring at her surroundings, in the least comfortable chair downstairs. She might, depending, have done that even if there had been a spare bed. I'm not sure why they're arriving at an inn together, but no doubt there's an answer somewhere in the multiverse.

3. From learnsslowly:

Harry Pearce, Esme Weatherwax, and Jane Marple are alone in a house/other building of your choice. It is a dark and stormy night. There is a thunderous knock on the door followed by the sound of feet running away. When they open the door, there is a baby in a basket. What happens next?

Harry would be distinctly alarmed (well, once he had ascertained it wasn't an explosive device in cunning disguise), but I'm quite sure that Jane Marple and Granny Weatherwax (and, seriously, how about that for combined awesome in accidental godparents?) would cope. In fact, I think Granny Weatherwax already had to do pretty much this once before. Harry is, though, the only one of them who's actually been a parent, even if he wasn't a terribly good one, so he might come in handy with some (bitter) experience. Mind, it's not as if Granny Weatherwax would allow it to be thought that there was anything she couldn't do, especially not simple things like nappy-changing. No doubt, then Harry would probably work on finding out who left the baby there in the first place and why. Miss Marple and Granny Weatherwax would already know why, how, and who. Miss Marple would call it observation, Granny Weatherwax headology, but they're both better at it than the pillar of British Intelligence who really doesn't do personal stuff well.

Nice choice, though, anonymous baby-leavers. You really could have done much worse! What I want to know, however, is exactly what were Harry, Granny Weatherwax and Miss Marple doing waiting in a house somewhere? Some evil-doer was about to get their comeuppance and then some, I can only imagine. I almost feel sorry for them. There is such a thing as over-doing it...

4. From

Adam Adamant, Silver and Servalan have to investigate that creepy old house up on the clifftop where nobody ever goes. It turns out that it really is haunted, by Arnold Rimmer - but is s/he a genuine ghost, or the old janitor in a rubber mask? And do the others learn the truth?

Well, technically, Rimmer is a genuine ghost, but he only stuck his head through the wall as a joke. Some people just don't have a smegging sense of humour, do they? Luckily, since he is a hologram, the mad poncey git with the sword and the fancy dress didn't do much damage, except to his dignity, such as it is. Servalan's investigations caused him to have a panic attack and hide in a cupboard. Where, of course, he met Silver...

He's not talking about what Silver did to his light bee to anyone ever, thanks*, and there are absolutely, definitely no weird side-effects. Apart from the twitch and the limp and possibly a few other things he hasn't worked out yet. He's also feeling strangely less paranoid, and that's never a good sign, is it?

And then when Lister, the Cat and Kryten finally turned up, they didn't even believe him.

(There must have been a bit of a temporal anomaly going on, though, which I assume Silver sorted out. I hope... And also hopefully before Adam met Servalan, because if Adam has a weakness, it's that he tends to assume that females can't possibly be evil, and with Servalan about, that's practically suicidal...)

* It may temporary have resulted in Ace Rimmer. Silver isn't talking about it either, because there's only room for one long-haired flirty expert in everything in one cupboard.

Vila Restal lures Charley Pollard away on a transparent pretext. What's the real reason, and how does Charley react when s/he discovers it?

Well, I assume Vila is luring Charley away from something/someone that Avon or Blake consider to be a target. I expect it mostly goes something like this:

Charley: "You blew up that base!"
Vila: "Yes, but they were the bad guys, honest. Don't hit me! They'd have done horrible things to you if you'd hung around there any longer. Well, probably."
Charley: "Gosh. I should have known that awful man was up to no good."
Vila: "Oh, no, that was Avon. he's not all that bad, really, not when you get to know him. Might even have a soft centre... somewhere."

5. From a_phoenixdragon:

Harry Sullivan wakes up in a different location than he fell asleep in. The Eighth Doctor is there with him, but has no idea how they got there either. Only Charley Pollard knows, but Charley has been captured by Emma Peel and needs to be rescued by Adam Adamant before she can get them all out of the trap Charley inadvertantly walked them into. Why did Charley drop Harry and the Doctor where she did? What is the trap? And why did Emma grab Charley before Charley could figure it out?

Well, clearly Eight is suffering from amnesia again and it's infectious. This looks like it might possibly connect with the whole thing with the boiling oil and getting Cora on a aeroplane (but presumably that came later). Obviously, whatever odd things were happening in 1960s London that attracted both Emma Peel (who thought that Charley was to blame) and Adam Adamant who would of course dash to the rescue of a lady in peril. Even if it was peril from another lady, which is always awkward for him, and no doubt doubly so when it's a lady who can beat up villains with ease. However, Emma's a reasonable person. Once Adam's put his sword stick down, they can easily work this out and rescue Harry and the Doctor from the trap, which is presumably some magical trap of Cora's (see the aeroplane scenario above), and get them out, but then the plane escape went a little bit wrong. Possibly.

6. From

Soolin and Vila are stuck somewhere private while waiting for an unexpected rainstorm to pass. What do they talk about?

Oh, just what sort of mess the latest mission is, how much Vila doesn't like the rain, how wet he is, how weak his chest is, and how they should both go back to Scorpio now and just tell Avon they couldn't find the latest doomed genius. Soolin agrees that, yes, he is very wet. He wants to know if she might know some ways of warming him up. He regrets that one pretty much immediately.

Soolin has things to say about the rain and its effect on really long hair. Vila offers to warm her up. (The answer's still no.)

And actually, Vila would quite like it to stay raining, because after all, holed up in safety with a beautiful woman rather than trying to snatch a mad scientist while people are shouting at you for trying and then Avon's shouting at you later for not trying (and that's if nobody's shooting at you)? Well, not all that bad, is it?

Until, that is, they inevitably work out that their hiding place is actually neither safe nor private...

7. From liadtbunny:

Silver and Granny Weatherwax are totally skint so they separately decide to come up with cunning Valentine's cash in schemes to make some dosh. What do they do and who is the most successful?

Hee, well, congratulations on choosing the two characters on the list the least likely to play along with this one! In the money-making schemes, obviously Silver wins, because he can do it literally with a few of the right materials to hand. Granny Weatherwax doesn't need money. If she did, she'd probably do what she usually does in these cases and make Nanny Ogg sell something.

8. From flowsoffire:

The Eighth Doctor and Silver are stuck in an elevator. What happens?

They don't stay stuck in the lift for long, I'd imagine. Unless, of course, Silver's the one who stopped it, for reasons.

Would Adam Adamant kiss Cora Mills under the mistletoe and how would they react?

Adam would probably not, no, though Cora might well kiss Adam under the mistletoe - immediately before she does something unpleasant to him. It's the way all of his relationships go, to be honest. And then, if he survives, he'll still be shocked that a lady could possibly have done such a thing. (Worse still, he might need Georgie to break whatever curse Cora has cast. It really wouldn't be a good day for him.)

What would Harry Sullivan and Emma Peel have an argument about?

It's quite hard to imagine that those two arguing at all, but maybe Harry got a bit old-fashioned and suggested that something was too dangerous for a girl? Mind, I think Emma'd be more likely to just give him a look before proving that it definitely wasn't.

9. From astrogirl2:

It's the zombie apocalypse! How do Charley, the Eighth Doctor, and Cora Mills cope? And what happens when they encounter each other in the zombie-infested landscape? Do they team up and kick undead ass, fight over resources, or something else entirely?

Well, obviously the Doctor and Charley team up (unless the Doctor has amnesia), and as to Cora it entirely depends on whether or not she's to blame for the zombies. If she is, they fight her. If she isn't, she could be a great ally. They'd never even know she wasn't one of the good guys. Probably.

Harry Pearce introduces Servalan to his family (or friends, if Harry has no actual family). How does that go?

That does not go well. If it's meant to be romantic, it goes about as not well as something like that can go. It's probably only lucky that Harry doesn't really have any family left that he actually talks to, so he'd have to introduce her to his colleagues, and then at least some of them would be armed, suspicious, and possibly one of them would be Ros Myers, and that'd be a showdown worth watching. Also you'd have to keep an eye on Ruth. You never know what Ruth might do when pushed. Sorry, Servalan. You probably are kind of Harry's type, though. He has had affairs of some kind with a lot of evil/amoral women, it has to be said.

What is Vila Restal's worst fear, and what does Miss Marple do upon finding out about it?

Vila is afraid of being killed, mostly. Or of the dark. Or of whatever it is that just moved over there, or people who don't like him. Or lots of things. Miss Marple would probably decide that he reminded her of young Jim Herring who used to work down the grocery and kept getting arrested for petty theft, and would no doubt keep a sharp eye out for any valuables that might be going missing while he told her of his fears. She would probably give him some tea at least, though.

10. From dimity_blue:

Harry Pearce, Servalan, and Vila Restal are transported to a time period that none of them have experienced before. Who adapts the best and do they ever get back home?

Ha, it does depend on the time period - if it's Harry's future but still the past for the other two, they'd have a better chance at adapting. However, in any circumstances, Harry will carry on and might even enjoy himself, depending. Servalan would no doubt find a way to be queen of wherever she is by any means, and any period has room for a lovable pickpocket hanging around, and whatever time period isn't going to be all that worse than a good lot of Vila's current life.

I hope they get back home, though. I don't think Servalan would be very careful of the timeline.

Miss Marple and Soolin are vying for the same job. Will they stick to the rules or use any means possible to stop the other?

It's really hard to imagine any circumstances under which Miss Marple and Soolin would apply for the same job. Presumably it's a very special kind of task needed to stop an otherwise untouchable villain. I should think that, given how different their skills are, that they would join forces. After all, Miss Marple wouldn't be doing it for the money, so there'd be no difficulty there.

Adam Adamant and Charley Pollard are forced into joining "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here". Do they join forces to complete the tasks, sacrifice each other to win, or join forces to escape?

Given how utterly appalled Adam would be by the whole concept (and I doubt Charley would be keen on reality TV either), they would join forces to escape, after they'd brought down whichever villainous TV executive/producer/whatever it was they were investigating, or who trapped them there in the course of an investigation. This then, naturally, inspires a whole new genre of reality TV where the celebrities actually do have to get themselves out of here... (I'm quite amused at the teaming up of the Victorian adventurer and the Edwardian adventuress, though.)

11. From jaxomsride:

Harry Sullivan and Adam Adamant are set up on a blind date with Charley Pollard and Soolin. How does the date go and do they all survive?

Well, I should think with those four they'd survive even despite the trouble & danger that would inevitable turn up during the date. Charley and Harry would get on all right, although I doubt either of them would want a second date. Soolin would not really have time for a Victorian gentleman who thinks she's a delicate flower who should stay out of danger and who's idea of a date is pretty certain to be more sedate than hers. However, once said trouble inevitably occurs, she is impressed by his fighting skills. Unfortunately, he's rather disapproving of hers, even if she did save his life. (It occurs to me that it might go better in nearly any other combination, though. Harry/Soolin has a weird sort of appeal; Adam/Harry has a certain kind of logic; and while Adam doesn't approve of plucky girls who won't stay at home, I don't think he's all that as opposed to them as he makes out. Plus, Charley's nearly from his time period and everything. Charley/Soolin, probably not so much, though.)

Servalan and the Eighth Doctor are cops in pursuit of the master criminal Emma Peel. How do they arrest Emma? Is Emma innocent or guilty and how much of a merry chase does she lead Servalan and the Doctor?

Oh, I would say this is unquestionably a set-up, courtesy of Servalan. Emma Peel, though, definitely leads the other two on one hell of a merry chase, at least until the Doctor works catches up with her, believes her story, and they turn the tables on Servalan.

12. From elen_nare:

Adam Adamant, Soolin, Servalan and Harry Sullivan are playing Scrabble. Who wins? Who cheats / attempts to cheat outrageously?

Servalan both wins and cheats to do it. Soolin suspects immediately, but unfortunately both Harry and Adam think a nice lady like that would never do such a thing. Soolin later gets Dayna to blow up the Scorpio Space Scrabble set in revenge.

Charley Pollard and Clara Oswald go into business together. What's the business? Does it succeed?

Probably something dreamed up during that night at the inn, no doubt. Maybe it's a splinter Clara? "Edwardian Adventuresses & Governesses Inc? No task too dangerous! Treasure found, villains foiled, wild children tamed!"

Emma Peel, the Eighth Doctor and Cora Mills join the same book club, where each member gets a turn to pick what book they'll read. Which book does each propose? What do they think of each other's selections?

Hmm, Emma either suggests a classic or the lastest scientific work by someone. Either way, the Doctor is thrilled and probably smitten, because. The Doctor is no doubt reading something by someone he can name drop, probably HG Wells again. Emma thinks that's a little passe. Cora isn't impressed with either of their choices. She probably, given her background, chooses a fairy tale, which the Doctor and Emma are okay with. (Emma has probably written a thesis on it one time.)

I suspect, though, that this book club would be interrupted either by the need to stop Cora, or some eccentric megalomaniac, or invading aliens, or just Steed. Emma and the Doctor would appreciate the idea, though. Somehow I suspect Cora is only there because she's been forced. (Villains' remedial classes or something?)

13. From pedanther:

Why is Silver afraid of Harry Pearce?

Well, Silver is afraid (or pretends to be) of a lot of things, it's true, and Harry's probably the centre of some weird time-related horror. Also he kills people sometimes and isn't keen on being flirted with by technicians. Dreadful.

A group of the characters go golfing. Which character gets a hole in Adam Adamant? And which character would be best, or worst, at providing medical assistance to Adam afterward?

Hmm, Harry is an actual doctor, even if he's only qualified to work on sailors. If it's a big hole, maybe Cora via her magic, if she could be persuaded, and depending what the price was.

Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?

Oh, most of them would be good. (But not Servalan or Rimmer, thank you.) However, it'll have to be the Doctor, really. I am tempted to say Granny Weatherwax, though, because she wouldn't be having with zombies and they wouldn't stand a chance. But the Doctor, unless he's particularly amnesiac that day, in which case, Granny Weatherwax.

14. From

When the Eighth Doctor cheats Harry Pearce and Arnold Rimmer out of their savings, how do they get their money back and what do they do to the Doctor?

Well, presumably it was necessary for saving the planet! The Doctor probably tries to repay it in some way, maybe via investments back in time. This works for Harry, although he's very sceptical about what just happened and where the money came from, but unfortunately, by Rimmer's time period, the investment has inevitably become worthless - until after Rimmer's death when the value rises again exponentially. By the time Rimmer realises this, it's only an odd million or so years later and the earth doesn't exist.

15. From paranoidangel42:

Charley Pollard, the Eighth Doctor, Soolin and Arnold Rimmer discover that one of them is a spy! Which one of them is it? Which one do each of them (except the spy) think it is? Which one does the spy try and convince the others it is?

It's got to be Soolin, I suppose. Rimmer thinks it's Charley, the Doctor thinks it's Rimmer (that personality has got to be a double bluff, yes?), and Charley thinks it's obvious that it's Soolin since it's not her. Soolin tries to convince Charley and Eight it's Rimmer, because that's how Rimmer's life tends to go. He is after all, a git and probably did something to deserve it.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

doctor who, discworld, spooks, red dwarf, 15 characters meme, avengers (uk), sapphire and steel, miss marple, blake's 7, once upon a time, fannish nonsense, adam adamant lives!, meme

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