1. LJ, whatever that stupid bar thing is at the bottom of my page, make it go away now, or I'll be off myself. Aargh. (It's the small things, sorry. I don't want it; it annoys me, and I've got my browser lower so that at the moment it's hidden behind the desktop toolbar thingy, but I'd rather make it go away.) The good thing about LJ is that someone's bound to come up with a way to do that pretty quickly, at least. *sigh* LJ, you'd been doing so well lately, too.) ETA: Yay, someone knows a way to turn it off. (Go to Profile: Settings: Extensions & untick the LJ Times box. Hurrah! Thanks, a_phoenixdragaon!)
2. Yuletide assignments are out, and the period of secrecy begins. I'm pleased with my assignment, but also very amused, for reasons. I hope everyone else is okay with theirs, too? Good luck! See you at reveals...
3. I went to the doctor's this morning, so was a bit weird but happily (unhappily?), I was at the last ep of SotT and therefore could come home, watch it, and cry in the good way. Very helpful. Thanks, 1970s BBC. (I can always rely on them to make me cry these days.)
(I also yesterday finally watched the extra on the DVD - a 50 min drama from 1969 called "The Tower: The Innocent", from which SotT was eventually extended. It has different actors - except for James Maxwell. Which is weird. He's Henry VII, but not the SotT Henry VII, just, well, a rather stern king. I was writing a whole post making comparisons and then realised that nobody else has seen either of them except maybe Liadt and I should either not or at least wait till I had pictures.)
4. Talking of which, have a vidlet I made two years ago for a Hallowe'en
fan_flashworks challenge, since it's Hallowe'en and I've just been appropriately rewatching this very episode. (Death masks, people! Death masks. Creepy. *nods*) (It's even more appropriate when you factor in the James Maxwell ghost story. ;-p Though, it's possible I was just being shippy and gloomy at the time, but what the hell.)
Click to view
(I don't really do Hallowe'en, but I like some spooky things. ♥)
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