Happy birthday... (plus a note)

Oct 13, 2014 15:00

... to the wonderful liadtbunny! I do hope you're having an excellent day, with all the gloomy old 70s telly you could possibly wish for. ♥

Also, in another note, there's a blog out there where the user has been reposting LJ posts without permission. (They seem to have set it up in some automated way to repost any posts tagged with "fanfic" or variations, or entries from selected blogs, possibly, but it includes anything tagged with that - random meme posts, challenge announcement and in one case, someone complaining about the blog stealing their posts, so they obviously don't bother looking at their own content.)

It's here

I've requested that my posts be removed. (They seemed to have taken all my entries tagged fanfic since July, regardless of fandom.)

I noticed (when going through the "fanfic" tag) entries stolen from
john_amend_all, liadtbunny (happy birthday! your fic has been stolen!), kaffyr, and also
still_lycoris, who isn't on my flist, but I know some of you know.

I'm actually a lot less bothered than I probably should be about people stealing my fic, but I do very much object to someone reposting my LJ entries wholesale, and I may need to make a lot more things flocked for a while, because if it's possible to set up something like that for one tag, who knows who else is doing it for whatever kind of topic? Clearly a public entry really needs to be something I don't mind being more public than I'd planned on.

(I'm posting this publicly and tagging it "fanfic" though, because if the blog ends up with a whole lot of posts warning the world against itself, it serves the blogger right. You know, can we go back in time and prevent the invention of Tumblr or something? Not everything is made to be reblogged and context is a thing that exists, even on the internet.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, lj, birthday

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