Vid: They Don't Know About Us (Public Eye)

Jun 15, 2014 21:39

hc_bingo square "Learning to be loved".

I made a Frank Marker/Helen Mortimer fanvid, Helen POV. I didn't even think that was actually possible, but apparently it is if you're me and you don't have much in the way of standards when it comes to vidding. In the middle of looking for some thoughtful, quiet old 50s song or an instrumental piece that would do, I somehow wound up with this. (I worried for a bit about whether or not it still met the prompt, but I've decided it does. I hope.)

They Don't Know About Us
Public Eye: Nobody else understands what Mrs Mortimer sees in Frank. (Frank Marker/Helen Mortimer, S4 fanvid.)

Music: They Don't Know by Kirsty MacColl

Or, in short, this is what happens in S4 according to Mrs Mortimer. Not particularly spoilery as such. Bookended with a little S6. Whether it's ironic, or horribly shippy, or just that Mrs Mortimer is right in fundamentals (and the long-term) if not the immediate outcome, I don't know.

Public Eye: They Don't Know About Us from lostspook1 on Vimeo.

Password: helen

Link to vid on YouTube.

You've been around for such a long time now
Oh maybe I could leave you but I don't know how
And why should I be lonely every night
When I can be with you
Oh yes you make it right
And I don't listen to the guys who say
That you're bad for me and I should turn you away
'Cos they don't know about us
And they've never heard of love

I get a feeling when I look at you
Wherever you go now I wanna be there too
They say we're crazy but I just don't care
And if they keep on talking still they get nowhere
So I don't mind if they don't understand
When I look at you and you hold my hand
'Cos they don't know about us
And they've never heard of love

Why should it matter to us if they don't approve
We should just take our chances while we've got nothing to lose

There's no need for living in the past
Now I've found good loving gonna make it last
I tell the others don't bother me
'Cos when they look at you they don't see what I see
No I don't listen to their wasted lines
Got my eyes wide open and I see the signs
But they don't know about us
And they've never heard of love

No I don't listen to their wasted lines
Got my eyes wide open and I see the signs
But they don't know about us
And they've never heard of love

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

vidding, helen mortimer, alfred burke, 1960s, hc_bingo, public eye, pauline delany, fanvids, frank marker/helen mortimer, frank marker

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