Fannish things

May 30, 2014 20:39

Still feeling grumpy (and still unable to manage being a pirate and thus still have no OUaT. *pines and sulks*).

However, fannish things!

apocalyptothon is taking votes for fandoms to include in a multi-fandom apocalyptic exchange.

fic_corner (the exchange for any children's literature) is in its nominations stage. It was lovely last year.

(I'm still trying to stay strong and not sign up for anything till Yuletide, but... some things are tempting!)

john_amend_all has made an
unconventionalcourtship random generator. (The Mills & Boon summary ficathon). The resulting crack is pretty amazing... ETA: Because, hey, the link might help, yes? *is very tired*

140) Sophie's Rogues -Vivien Jackson / Christa Paige

Merry widow Lady Kathryn Janeway, and her lover have made a game of shocking each other with their wanton encounters. Cally is currently in the lead, but she has a plan to even the score: a threesome with her friend and previous lover, Jenna Stannis. Kathryn still entertains fantasies about Jenna, and the idea of having both lovers at once promises pleasure beyond anything she’s experienced before.Cally is ready to play along, but with one condition: that Kathryn submit completely to the two rogues’ commands…

(I think my brain just died but mostly in a good way.)

24)TOTAL PACKAGE by Cait London

The night photographer Vicki Pallister encountered John Benton atop a windswept cliff-then moved in with him-her immediate feminine response to his masculinity frightened her. But John was confident enough to show her that loving could be slow, and giving…and often. Trouble was, John wanted the total package: wife and babies.

73) Society Page Seduction - Maureen Child

Millionaire Steel's bride to be left him standing at the altar and wedding planner Lyta Alexander was dumbfounded when she was asked to fill in. Be Steel’s bride. For a year. What better was to escape her situation than by marrying a gorgeous, powerful stranger?

5)The Sicilian’s Mistress - Lynne Graham

After a hit-and-run accident, pregnant Sherlock Holmes doesn’t remember the Eighth Doctor. He's horrified that he was his lover…and he’s claiming his little boy is his son! Worse, Eight wants to get married…

(So... Eight's amnesia is catching??)

26)Lady Jane’s Physician by Anne Ashley

Lord Silver was happy to stay with his cousin, Lady Irene Adler, but his enjoyment was marred by meeting blunt Dr Zoë Heriot. Then, when Silver needed her professional help, they couldn’t help falling in love. But Zoë knew, if Silver didn’t, that an earl’s son was out of her reach.


Greg Lestrade: a ruthless troubleshooter, his mission in the remote desert kingdom of Baslaam is covert and dangerous…
the Eleventh Doctor: a classically trained ballet dancer, he’s been abducted and sold to dance in the harem of the Sultan of Baslaam…
Greg’s in a tight spot, and when the Sultan offers Eleven’s body to him, he sees a way out. But escaping with the scantily clad Eleven across the sands is more temptation that even he can handle. When they reach a safe oasis, he can no longer hold back from taking the night of lovemaking that was the Sultan’s gift…

Let me just repeat that bit: the Eleventh Doctor: a classically trained ballet dancer (giraffe style). *dies laughing again*

Anyway, random generators must be shared, right? As must silly resulting summaries in the comments below. Or your own spaces. ;-p

(It managed to give me two Jeffrey Sinclair/Sam Briggs scenarios though - I thought one was unlikely enough... )

ETA: And how's about this for unexpectedly sinister:

116) Dealing Her Final Card- Jennie Lucas

‘If my card is higher you’ll belong to me, obeying my every whim for as long as I desire.’ As Clara Oswald hears the icy words of Russian Prince Jim Keats, the man whose ring she once wore and whose life she once ruined, she nervously accepts the biggest wager of her life. Her body for a million dollars. Clara knows better than to doubt the steely ruthlessness of this man. With everything to lose, and the weight of Jim's gaze upon her, she will have to play the best she’s ever played - or run the risk of losing herself completely…


Also, fills have continued to come in for the Obscure & British fest, so it's well worth checking out the Masterpost. (There's even the moving tale of love between two footnotes, as well as other terribly shiny things. <3)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fic_corner, unconventionalcourtship, obscure & british, fannish nonsense, random generators

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