Happy birthday...

May 05, 2014 18:10

... to jjpor and paranoidangel42! I hope you've both been having a great day, with many nice things! (And a day off, too, and all, I trust. ♥)


(Also, but not entirely unrelated:) There were two 500 Prompts ficlets that I was going to get finished for today, but they'll have to come along later. Sorry! (They weren't even very exciting; I just suddenly realised I could fulfil part of the meme's purpose and post birthday fic, only then...

I got eaten by a fanvid. So, I am behind with everything. Yes, in news that will surprise no one except me, I made a Public Eye fanvid, and I'm not sure it's not terrible, but it is, finally everything I wanted to say about it, and that's a big relief. You see, I did have a possible song in mind, but it'd been used on a few vids before (and I associate it with another show as a result). But! I listened to it again, and you know what? The other vidders are wrong; it's about Public Eye! There wasn't even one word in the lyrics I had to handwave. So then I fudged through some of the technical issues (will definitely have to find a better way another time) and... lo, fanvid! Unfortunately, YouTube made it look even crappier than it is, so I'm trying Vimeo.

(I am now uploaded to Vimeo and at the point where they tell me to go get lost while they think about processing my vid at some point in the near future, and what am I still doing hanging around here when I'm not even paying them for it? *sigh* And, all right, it's not in those words exactly, but that's the gist. It makes me feel slightly antagonistic towards the site, as you can tell. Still, the YouTube version was horrible. My vid was not that bad.)

vidding, birthday

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