This Time Round: Let's Play... Blind Date (with Leela)Author:
lost_spookRating: All Ages
Word Count: 2,616
Characters The Celestial Toymaker, Movie Master, Leela, Fourth Doctor, Poul, Professor Litefoot, Professor Colby, Cordo and Andred.
Summary: Leela goes on Nameless TV and finally has to choose between her queue of useless admirers. (Well, that's the idea...)
I just made it to the end of The Invasion of Time (and when I get the chance, I'll post my thoughts on that, as well) and Leela's romances really are quite ridiculous. This started playing around in my head. I wasn't sure whether or not to make it TTR or just post it as crack!fic, but if I'd done the latter, I'd have had to attempt to write Cilla Black and there are limits to my insanity. Also, it made sense that this is what the Toymaker would end up doing in Nameless. Well, to me anyway. I don't think there are any usual TTR in-jokes, so it's safe to read if you're not up on the rest. And, if you are, despite the title, I'm really not planning a series of game show stories, hosted by the Toymaker, but the implication is that he hosts quite a few with increasing boredom.)
Also, not wanting to lead anyone up the garden path, Leela of course doesn't answer the question. But I suppose, if I had to write it where she did, unlikely and incredible as it may seem, it would have to be Andred, because he's the one she decides to leave with, no matter how odd it looks to the rest of us.)
Edit: It's already up
here on the archive, if that's easier. (With amazing speed!!)