Fic: Outcomes of War

Jan 26, 2014 13:39

I am only linking this here because a)
snowflake_challenge, because maybe icons you made ages ago is cheating a bit and b) this is what I did with the future fic square for
trope_bingo. Hence I'm skipping it this time. If I'm going to write unnecessarily long and gloomy fic, at least I can do it for
hc_bingo where you'd expect this sort of thing.

Outcomes of War (5430 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Enemy at the Door (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Philip Martel & Dieter Richter, Ernst Freidel & Dieter Richter
Characters: Dieter Richter, Ernst Freidel, Philip Martel, Olive Martel
Additional Tags: War, World War II, Suicide, Execution, Starvation, Post-Series, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, 5 Times
Summary: "Whatever may be the abuse of man, that is the use of nature - first survive.” Three things that may have happened to Major Richter and two that definitely didn’t.

(This is what happens when people go and leave a TV show unfinished and I start looking at the history books for answers. I wasn't going to finish this, being far too late for the bingo, but it nagged at me. It's surprisingly unspoilery, but I can't imagine it'd have any appeal to anyone who hasn't seen the series. And limited appeal even then.)

I fear my next fic may only be better by virtue of being shorter, but after that I solemnly vow to try and write things that people might actually want to read. (Or, in short, I have a lot of 500 Prompts left... ;-D)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, wwii, historical, enemy at the door, au, snowflake challenge

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