Fly by fic rec

Oct 22, 2013 13:07

One of the most fun things about fandom has to be those times when you get the chance to persuade someone into trying a show, and then watch them fall in love with it just like you did. What's even better is when it all ends in Moar Fic.

clocketpatch has watched Blake's 7 (in shorter time than I knew was possible - she may have set a new world record) and now - fic! Excellent Zen-centric fic that all my fellow rebels should go and read. I'm sure any of you who know her Doctor Who fic already won't even need my rec.

Information (1714 words) by Clocketpatch
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Blake's 7
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Zen (Blake's 7), Kerr Avon
Additional Tags: Season/Series 02, Episode: s02e01 Redemption
Set after Redemption, Avon interrogates Zen to find out who is really in control of the Liberator and what happened to its former crew.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, zen, blake's 7, recs, kerr avon

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