
Oct 19, 2013 13:29

Yuletide assignments went out while I was sleeping yesterday, so I woke up to see everyone being pleased with their on my flist. I went off to see mine with much trepidation, but, yay, I can also join the happy chorus, for I matched on not one but two fandoms, both of which are things I could write - one even has optional details mentioning minor characters I like quite a lot, so at the moment, I'm planning on that one. So: \o/

And my Dear Author, if you see this: I am sorry about my letter. It was honestly meant to be shorter and more straight-forward this year. It wasn't, especially not the Chalet School bit, which I meant to go back and edit, but... speedy assignments are speedy!

Also, irrelevantly, I have been having one of my intermittent spurts of going back through Teaspoon (alphabetically by author) and trying to actually find and bookmark the things I read five years ago that I thought were really good. I do end up trying to Read All The Things, though sometimes, which is not helpful, especially when most of the time I can barely read anything. (Although definitely better this time!) Anyway, I'd just like to say that Teaspoon's profiles being at the top of the author's pages are very helpful. Everytime I find a misspelt one, one that's longer than the list of fics, or one that gushes on and on* solely about one ship or actor, I can backbutton swiftly. Helps such a lot. ;-p

That said... fan fiction really can be fun, can't it? And pretty marvellous. I had better stop with the bookmarking temporarily. It's taken me from 2010 to get to K. I'm not going to reach Z by tomorrow even if I get really silly about it.

Anyway, incidentally, going through stuff made something click about two possible stories - I might, might just be able to get my two bingos done, who knows? (It's fic_rush next weekend, so...)

* "gushing on and on in your Teaspoon profile" being the key here, before anyone takes offence. Everybody loves a ship and/or an actor/character sometimes. I should know. :-)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

yuletide, writing, doctor who

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