Three ficlets (DW, S&S)

Sep 11, 2013 10:13

Three ficlets - two Element prompts I wrote months and months ago and finally typed up (I have two and half more typed up and I'm not sure how many more lurking in my notebook, so I should get on that) and a hastily written bit of crack for cakefic (because there's only so long you can play about with random generators before something like that happens).

Also, talking of cakefic, I made a collection on AO3. As this isn't Teaspoon and I can't rampage about wantonly putting people's fics in my series without asking: if you are one of the merry band who've already committed cakefic and you post to AO3, please do add your fics. Otherwise I just look like a very strange cake-obsessive, though I suppose that's nothing unusual.

Also, if you weren't following the last post as closely as I was (it being on my LJ), the Random Cake Fic Generator is now absolutely a thing and has multi-fandom people you will probably recognise, thanks to
john_amend_all. \o/

Anyway, enough of cakefic and onto the ficlets:

Mishaps in Butter Icing (703 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Clara Oswin Oswald, Eleventh Doctor
Additional Tags: Cake Fic Meme, Cake, Crack, Partial Nudity
Summary: Eleventh Doctor, naked save for a ballgown, covered with butterfly cake, and chained to Clara Oswald. It's amazing what happens during the course of your average day aboard the TARDIS. (Also at the Teaspoon and cakefic here.)

100 Element Prompts:

The Ghost in the Garden (Sapphire/Steel, ~1000 words, PG. Prompt #94)

Eye of the Beholder (Ruby/Lead, ~340 words, All ages. Prompt #17)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

clara oswin oswald, doctor who, 100 element prompts, cake!fic, eleventh doctor, fannish scribbles, sapphire and steel, ficlet, sapphire/steel

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