Fic: Black Ice (DW)

Jun 29, 2013 18:25

Here, have a flighty little 500 Prompts ficlet:

Title: Black Ice
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 417
Characters/Pairings: Brigadier/Liz Shaw
Notes/Warnings: None.
Summary: The Brigadier has a slight accident and Liz is on hand to help.

For femme_slash_fan in the 500 Prompts Meme - Prompt 7: Black Ice - Brigadier/Liz Shaw.


“Sit still, Brigadier!”

“Miss Shaw, I really do feel that someone else -”

“I am a doctor,” Liz reminded him. “And this is only basic first aid in any case. If you’d rather I made a fuss and called for the Doctor or the Sergeant, then I will.”

The Brigadier ceased to object and allowed her to continue with her ministrations.

“And it’s no use being annoyed at me when it was you who wasn’t looking where you were going.”

The Brigadier gave her another frown. “The thing about black ice, Miss Shaw, is that one generally doesn’t see it.”

“I know,” Liz said, and relented, giving him a smile. “Now, do keep still, as I said. It’s nothing more than a graze, but I’ll clean it up and make sure.”

The Brigadier coughed. “Yes. Well. Thank you, Miss Shaw,” he said, rather stiffly. She had set about cleaning the cut to his head, and he was very aware of her fingers resting lightly on his face, though, of course, she was very brisk and professional, exactly as he would have expected.

“There,” she said, eventually, moving back and surveying her handiwork. “I don’t think it’ll even need a plaster, let alone a stitch. You’ve been lucky.”

The Brigadier glanced up at her. “If you’ve finished, Miss Shaw?” When she nodded, he stood again. “Thank you for your assistance,” he added, and even he thought he sounded unbearably pompous. It was, however, unquestionably safer that way.

“I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about your uniform, though,” Liz said, throwing a wickedly amused look at him.

The Brigadier smiled in return, unfazed by her usual teasing. It was her earlier concern that had disconcerted him. “No, but then I don’t suppose these blasted things - what was it the Doctor called them?”

“Navirians,” said Liz. “Although, apparently that was a hideous and insulting oversimplification that would have to do for us mere ignorant humans.”

“Somehow I don’t think it’ll make much difference when they’re firing at us.” The Brigadier nevertheless straightened his jacket and brushed off some of the mud. One shouldn’t end up in this sort of state before the fighting had started.

Liz nodded. “No. Don’t suppose it will, really. Brigadier -”

He turned back to her. “Miss Shaw?”

“Be careful, Brigadier. I wouldn’t want my work wasted.”

The Brigadier fought a smile and mostly won. “Well, in that case, Miss Shaw, I shall do my best to oblige.”

“Glad to hear it,” said Liz.


Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, brig/liz, brigadier lethbridge-stewart, doctor who, liz shaw, 500 prompts, ficlet

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