Fic: Ghost Train (S&S)

Jun 22, 2013 21:20

Something I've been writing for a while (a year, maybe), which I finally managed to finish off a few days ago, and then Persiflage kindly beta-ed it for me. I abandoned it initially, but picked it up again earlier in the year when I realised it also fitted someone's Yuletide request quite nicely and so I wrote it for NYR:

Ghost Train (4219 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sapphire and Steel
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Silver/Steel
Characters: Silver (Sapphire and Steel), Steel (Sapphire and Steel)
Additional Tags: Fairgrounds
It should have been a small, technical matter, but there’s something feeding off fear in a ghost train - and the presence of Steel and Silver might be about to make things worse…

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, silver/steel, yuletide, silver, sapphire and steel, steel

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