Here are some (shiny) things

Apr 30, 2013 12:18

1. violetcreme made lovely cover art for my House of Eliott Bea/Jack ficlet, which I don't think anyone's done before!

2. A very entertaining post I found in my meanderings about why Miss Marple is awesome. (Because obviously, she is. I just watched an old ITV Dracula in which Van Helsing was patronising to Joan Hickson as a fluttery old lady. It was awful and wrong.)

3. A Ficathon Walked Into A Bar has returned from the dead! Sign-ups can be found at
intoabar or intoabar. I've been wanting to do it ever since I found out about it, but it was deceased by that time. And since the rules are pretty much "random crossover meeting in 500 words or more" I think even I can cope, since that's the kind of thing I write anyway.

Although that's giving me serious pause with signing up because a) I'm so used to the random crossover prompts you lot have given me, getting to decide one of the characters seems awfully tame. (No, really, dear flist, do you not remember asking me to write Dave Lister meets Davros, Turlough meets Charlotte Lucas, Amelia Pond meets Willy Wonka, Chris Skelton meets Luke Skywalker, Miss Marple meets Luna Lovegood, or Nancy Blackett meets Liz Shaw? Because you did. And I love you all for it most of the time. ♥) And b) I had to make a tiny database for the purposes of working out how to sign up and not get a random pairing I've already written.

And what character to start with? Why do I have to choose? (I am thinking it should be somebody "safe" - in that, I can write them reasonably easily, but they're also people who are likely to be in strange places, and who are also likely to be entertaining in themselves. I am contemplating Lynda Day or Six or Silver. Although my database tells me I've already done way too many crossovers with Silver, so, bad me, that would be boring. And then choose fandoms I know but haven't really written for! But I don't know. It's tough. So maybe you should all go sign up there and write random crossovers to entertain me in due time and I'll be over here, writing your prompts from the 500 Prompts thing?

4. ... and so then I wrote a Miss Marple meets Dracula ficlet for fan_flashworks in revenge for the 1960s TV. Just to prove the point. :lol:

5. Anyway, it's open, and it should be fun. And just looking at the LJ version brought up a Chalet School fic I didn't know existed! I'm having a sort of craving for new Chalet School fic, which is because I am really bad still at reading anything offline that isn't a CS book, but I've read the whole lot (very slowly) twice in two years now and I can't do it again. I hope. Also because I'm miffed that lots of the fill-in books cost £80 on Amazon, which would be the ideal solution. *sigh* (What if I went to freudesheim and said "Let's have a ficathon!"? Do you think there is anybody left there? *sigh again*)

6. Also, thanks, LJ, I suddenly seem to have 6 extra loyalty icons appear in the last few days for reasons beyond my understanding, so now I need to re-upload my CS and HoE icons. I have already instantly used it to have at least one more sallymn masterpiece and G'Kar. (I don't know how fannish I will be about Babylon 5 yet, though I enjoyed it v much, but obviously my life would be incomplete without a G'Kar icon.) (I'm pretty sure I'm not imagining things! I know I had only one icon space left and was deliberating over what to use it for and whether to delete other things and then suddenly I had 7 spaces left. Or maybe this is an alternate universe with only very slight changes...)

7. I am reasonably sure I had something else to say, possibly something more sensible. Oh, yes. I am, for the time being, feeling a bit better again, at last. :-)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

chalet school, miss marple, intoabar, fanart, crossover

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