Fic: time as it is (S&S)

Apr 04, 2013 20:36

Title: time as it is
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 3408
Characters/Pairings: Silver, Sapphire, Steel
Notes/Warnings: Spoilers for Assignment 6.
Summary: Time is relative, after all, and some things are better when they’re broken.

For astrogirl2 in the 500 Prompts Meme - Prompt 266: Take your practised powers and stretch them out - Silver.

time as it is (Link to AO3).

I have to say I didn't intend to write this prompt so soon, I certainly didn't intend to go back to Assignment Six and the ending, but apparently, some sort of remixing of that scenario (sort of) for astrogirl2 is a regular April event now.

(Not really! I hope... It just started seeming perverse when considering this prompt not to use the obvious canon jumping off point. And I thought originally that this was v different. Now, I guiltily think that if someone had got to the end of Trick of the Light and sent Silver back to the beginning to try harder, you might get this. Though, with this fandom, that's not all that unlikely anyway... And I wound up quite liking this, so it stuck. S&S is beautifully weird, isn't it? That's my excuse. Or possibly: astrogirl2, you are doomed to being connected in some way to fic around this moment over and over. I'm sorry. It must be an evil plot of Time. I'll send Silver round with some cutlery later and see if that helps. ;-D)

Oh, and the title is from something going round in my head that Google tells me is this:
For time, as it is, cannot stay:
Nor again, as it was, can it be:
Disappearing and passing away
Are the world, and the ages, and we.
(Owen Meredith)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, sapphire, silver, sapphire and steel, steel, 500 prompts

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