Five Questions

Feb 03, 2013 12:31

Given to me in a meme, by

1. First fandom?

Properly, as in knowing it was a fandom and being online, Doctor Who, back in the days of newsnet (and forever after, of course). In terms of being fannish about something and even writing fic, probably actually Dungeons & Dragons (the cartoon). Which I still love. Um. Moving on = not a thing I really do that much.

2. Most unpopular fannish opinion (fandom of your choice)?

Apart from DW (in which everyone disagrees about everything), most of my fandoms are too small to know. Besides, unpopular opinions makes me feel as if I, well, actually have opinions instead of just likes and dislikes and possibly sometimes some theories. I suppose the fact that I don't think Silver Nemesis is awful would be one. (I was 11. It was my first whole DW story. I had no problem in immediately seeing that this was the best TV show ever. So.) And being in B7 fandom and not especially wanting to read much Blake/Avon really does limit what's available to... nearly nothing. Liking Silver better than Steel is definitely an unreasonable thing to do in S&S. But it's a very nice fandom, so they put up with me, or at least, they have so far.

3. Favourite small fandom to inflict upon introduce others to?

Ha. Nearly all my fandoms are small. Also I am a librarian. So, I'll rec anything I think you might like all the time. /o\ However, it is true that for the past 18 months or so, I am not a person you want to come near if you are trying to avoid Sapphire & Steel for some reason. (It is highly weird and unique and brilliant; I make no apologies.) Also Press Gang before that. And I'd like to be able to make all the Classic Who fans watch Blake's 7. They don't know it yet but they would thank me for it afterwards. It's just working out how to do it that's the problem.

4. What song do you consider to be 'the best song in the world'?

Oh, I really don't. I go through phases of listening to a couple of songs quite a lot and then moving on, but I just don't have one song like that. If I do, it would probably feel like a private thing anyway, and I wouldn't want to tell you.

5.If you could travel anywhere in the world, money no object, where would you go?

And health no object, too, because I don't feel like wanting to go anywhere ever again? Well, I want very much to go to China with my friend one day, and to Austria again, but this time to the Tyrol with my other friend. (Why, yes, we are Chalet School fans, what of it?) If rl concerns are not a problem, I think it would be lovely to go to New Zealand as well. Also, it would be wonderful to go back to Uganda one day and see how it has changed, and because it's a beautiful place with amazing people. (But i'd have to find a way of not going back as a tourist, because that would feel awful.) I don't think travelling will ever be a thing I can do much of again, but otherwise I'd like to see lots of places really.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:


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