500 Prompts Meme (yes, really)

Jan 28, 2013 16:48

Okay, so I may have said I had a keep-writing-ficlets plan. Here it is, flist, and it won't work without you... Believe it or not, btw, this is actually a thing I found out in the wild as a meme:

STEP ONE: Match a pairing/two or more characters/crossover characters to a prompt ( Read more... )

masterlist, meme, 500 prompts

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liadtbunny January 29 2013, 15:39:04 UTC
Damn, I wish you knew 'Ace of Wands'. Who knew Brian Wilde could be terrifying?

63: The Master DW
120: Villa B7
131: The Dominators DW (you can ignore me here)
162: Strange Report
251: Giles, Buffy.
274: Midnight is a Place, of course(!). Post book/tv?
285: Buffy, Buffy
296: The Brig (B7 cross)
297: Sapphire/Steel
331: Four/Romana
366: Dangerman
374: Silver
425: Jo Grant
427: Cally B7
444: Julius Caesar
466: Poul RoD/Kaldor City
481: Second, Victoria DW

Most of these prompts are good for S&S I think.


lost_spook January 29 2013, 17:34:12 UTC
Thank you! :-) I'll add them to my list.

Just a couple things, though:

131. I've never yet seen the Dominators! Sorry!
162 - Strange Report - do you mean the main characters (Adam Strange, Evie) or were you thinking David Collings's character?
366 - dangerman (I'm guessing this is to do with my james Maxwell and David Collings are brothers theory?? So I'll keep it in the hope I get to watch it.)
444. Actually Julius Caesar as a character, or did you want Cassius, or Brutus/Cassius, or who...? (It is an absolutely excellent prompt for nearly anyone in the play, though. Lovely.)

Thank you, though! These are lovely. I knew I could rely on you for some random old TV and gratuitous David Collings in the mix. ♥


lost_spook January 29 2013, 17:57:46 UTC
I jst added them (they're not showing here yet; I'll fix that later) but ♥. You give very good prompts.


liadtbunny January 30 2013, 15:48:50 UTC

For the Strange Report one I thought of the main characters as they are based at Maida Vale.
The Dangerman prompt made me think of David Collings' artist getting into scrapes caused by identity theft. He might need his secret brother James Maxwell to help or not?
444 had to be Julius Ceasar didn't it!? Erm, either Brutus/Cassius or Julius/Wife because Elizabeth Spriggs was ace.
Alas poor Dominators(!).

Yes, random old TV is my middle name:)


lost_spook January 30 2013, 16:48:29 UTC
Aha. Oh, cool. I'll update the list again. :-)

Yes, random old TV is my middle name

That was some impressive foresight on the part of your parents... ;-p


liadtbunny January 30 2013, 23:33:18 UTC

And another before bed: 292 Lord Dark Snr/Gorwen/Charn (Look & Read)


lost_spook January 31 2013, 12:09:24 UTC
0_o :lol:


liadtbunny January 31 2013, 15:15:28 UTC
I should have used commas, could be interesting!


lost_spook January 31 2013, 17:10:35 UTC
I can always insert commas at need. Which sounds kind of worrying now I think about it. And it's Look & Read, :Lol:. There might be actual commas...


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